Wild Bugs?


New Member
Hello everyone I'm pleased to announce that Hasbro(I changed his name) my Jacksons has decided to eat. So, I was wondering if they could eat wild bugs. I have a ton of Pill Bugs in my yard also Millipedes and Earthworms. Do they require any gut loading? Information is appreciated,
Noah :)
This is a touchy subject. My stance is; if it flys and they dont spray in your area, eat up. On the other hand pills bugs and other under rock types can be loaded with nematodes. Hell you are in Florida so even baby anoles might be game.

Set him out under a spot light an night and let nature take its course :)
bug "cleaning"

My ten yr old insists that we need to clean the dirty bugs. They don't spray in out area, but some of our neighbors might. We rinse our flies gently in a dusting container and then dust them with calcium before releasing them into her enclosure. Yoshi, our 6 month veiled female, thoroughly enjoys a fly hunt. Crickets bore her and she'll eat those only when flies are scarce or in the morning when she's really hungry. But, i agree, flying things are great, though, depending on their size, may be startling to your critter. Yoshi does not like moths or butterflies with bright patterns, they scare her and she hisses. Also, nothing that stings or bites, anything that draws blood is a no-no. You don't know where or whom that blood came from:p I sometimes collect flies and feed them the same thing crickets eat to make them more nutritious.:D
Hello everyone I'm pleased to announce that Hasbro(I changed his name) my Jacksons has decided to eat. So, I was wondering if they could eat wild bugs. I have a ton of Pill Bugs in my yard also Millipedes and Earthworms. Do they require any gut loading? Information is appreciated,
Noah :)

You don't want to use pillbugs straight from the ground, likely have lots of metals that will hurt your chameleon. Most people breed them and use the later generations. I couldn't tell you about the other two.
Thanks for the info everyone! I'm going to start my own colony i've already caught like 20, and once the wild ones have young ill release the old ones and keep the babies. I'm sure Hasbro will love some captive bread pill bugs! How do you catch flies? :confused:
Hello everyone I'm pleased to announce that Hasbro(I changed his name) my Jacksons has decided to eat. So, I was wondering if they could eat wild bugs. I have a ton of Pill Bugs in my yard also Millipedes and Earthworms. Do they require any gut loading? Information is appreciated,
Noah :)

Many wild bug choices are great

Terrestrial isopods (pill bugs) are and EXCELLENT feeder choice, HOWEVER you shouldnt use wild caught ones. They are heavy metal bioacumulators. Catch a bunch and breed your own.

Chameleons typically do not like earthworms

Millipedes are not usually recommended.

More info:
Thanks Sandra, i read your blogs and they were very informative. I have already started the pill bug colony and they are doing great. Ill post an update when they have babies soon :D
This is a touchy subject. My stance is; if it flys and they dont spray in your area, eat up. On the other hand pills bugs and other under rock types can be loaded with nematodes. Hell you are in Florida so even baby anoles might be game.

Set him out under a spot light an night and let nature take its course :)

Not a very good stance.. a LOT of bugs are poisonous, a lot of butterflies, lightning bugs, etc.
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I will occasionally catch a grasshopper, I feed them for a while before giving them to one of the chams :) I never see them eat them, but they are never in the enclosure when I get home.
My panther eats flies when he is outside. I don't have a choice in the matter as he just tags them when they come near.
Just, picks your insects in a place who fertilizers and pesticides are absent and in a place remote to a water point (pond, watercourse...) to avoid nematodes.
I will occasionally catch a grasshopper, I feed them for a while before giving them to one of the chams :) I never see them eat them, but they are never in the enclosure when I get home.
Cool, my cham is like that too, he likes to eat in privacy. I have been looking for some for hoppers but haven't found any yet :( living in the city and all...almost every field has grass but its cut to its shortest length.

Just, picks your insects in a place who fertilizers and pesticides are absent and in a place remote to a water point (pond, watercourse...) to avoid nematodes.
Ok thanks for the info, is that a grasshopper trap in the picture?
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