Wild caught veiled

You are not going to get crap for having a wild caught chameleon.

Many of the users on here have them.

They are primarily used for breeding projects though.

Some disapprove of the wild caught purchases, but that is why there are CITES records, and the chams are bought from reputable importers.

As for your particular cham, no one will give you any crap for it becuase your cham isnt suppost to be wild in the first place.

Veileds are not native to florida, and therefore it can be considered an invasive species.

what exactly are you worried about with this chameleon?

I would recommend a fecal test, to check for parasites.

I personally had no idea no one would care that it's wild caught. Sorry to mislead you!
Sounds like you are doing well with him so far. If you follow the care sheet on here, you should do well with him.

Can you post some pictures of him so we can check to make sure he looks relatively heathy? The bent casque is probably fine, but it's best if we can see just to make sure or you take him to a chameleon experienced vet. I would recommend letting him settle in for a few weeks, and then once he is a little more acclimated you can take him to the vet for a check up and a fecal exam (and then start giving meds if he needs any.)

Also, be careful with tongs. If you are careful, then there will likely be no accidents, but it is possible that he can damage his tongue on the tongs if he accidentally shoots it. If he does shoot at it (or he gets your finger) then be sure NOT to jerk your hand/tongs away. Either let him walk up to the tongs by himself and unlatch his tongue, or move the tongs to him. If he gets your finger, you may have to let him bite you (probably wont be much more than a pinch.) I prefer rubber tipped tongs for this reason (it wont damage their teeth if they have to bite it.)
I can't figure out how to post pictures. It's hard to get a clear pic of the little guy, too much greenery! He's ate about 10 crickets yesterday, and a few today. Sence he is aclmating, is it okay to let him eat what he wants? He turned his nose up at mealies, I'll try supers and waxworks next.
I can't figure out how to post pictures. It's hard to get a clear pic of the little guy, too much greenery! He's ate about 10 crickets yesterday, and a few today. Sence he is aclmating, is it okay to let him eat what he wants? He turned his nose up at mealies, I'll try supers and waxworks next.

you can let him eat waht he wants. some chams will over eat and get fat, but ive never seen one do that.
to post a picture you scroll down to "manage attachments" and upload- Good Luck in getting him to pose for it though - mine run every time I get the camera out-:)
I think I got it? He will not pose for a picture yet.


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He looks good what I can see of him- I wouldn't worry about giving him as much as he will eat - he looks on the skinny side - mealies aren't recommended but a few wax worms wouldn't hurt-(they have a lot of fat) Try and feed him early in the day so he has time to digest -
He looks okay from what I can see. I would still try to get more pics if you can though, especially of the crooked casque.

You can probably let him eat a lot for a little while since he is new and WC (until he can go to the vet and get the all clear.) I wouldn't feed him tons of fatty bugs though (he could possibly get picky and refuse other insects.) Once he is nice and acclimated and healthy, it's best not to free feed adults as they can get fat, and that can lead to health problems and a shorter life span.

It's not surprising that he won't go on your hand. I wouldn't try much at all for a while so you don't stress him out too much. Just let him get used to you and gain his trust. Once he does trust you, you can start working with him. You can eventually try holding the food out at a distance, and then putting your other hand between him and the food so he has to step on it to get the food. Then work up to getting all of his feet on your hand.
I'll try for a head shot when I get home. He are 10 crickets this morning, I'll offer more tonight. I dusted them with calcium and he seemed confused.
They are not supposed to be in the wild in Florida anyway. In my opinion, you can catch all you want. Veileds are pretty easy to keep. If you set him up right you should not have many problems. Good luck

Agreed, these guys apparently are south of me only a couple of hours on the west coast of FL. Eventhough he came from the wild and not a breeder, they're considered an invasive species. Catch all you want IMO, and enjoy. Good luck at the vet, and keep us posted. :D
I dont see any serious issues with teh casque.

Most likely, its just how it formed, or maybe an old injury that healed that way. but no casque is perfectly straight.
Oh no, it was done a while ago. The man may be a "flipper" but he NEVER would even give away a sick animal.
Where was he when he caught the veil in the everglades near miami? I live in bradenton fl and heard that they have been seen there before
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