will she get used to her owner??? + cage pic


New Member
/uploadingit.com/view/495588_cixdois there any way that she can get used to me? i mean it would be nice if i can hold my chameleon with out her getting scared or run away. I havent pick her up yet!!
yeah check it out, dose this look ok?

While you work out the photo thing, yes, your cham will probably become used to you. It really won't "like" you, but will recognize you as a food provider. Yours looks young. They're more skittish when they're young becuase they basically think you're going to eat them. You're a predator and they're prey. They run, hide, or hiss and get defensive/aggressive.

Veileds are notoriously more aggressive. Females are generally less so, though. They all have their own personalities and moods, just like people.

So yes, EVENTUALLY, she will get used to you. You'll be able to handle her. She won't like it, but you can do it when you have to. She may even calm down enough with age that she will climb onto you when you put your hand in her cage. But at this age, she's scared to death that you're going to eat her.
Don't worry.....I have had George for 6 weeks. He is an 8 month old Panther and was a late Christmas gift and he hated me at first, so much it used to keep me awake at night....now I like to think he tolerates me.

He would hiss, puff up and lunge at me and really had my bluff, I wouldn't put my hand in his cage without gloves on. I was wondering what I was doing wrong! Over time our relationship is getting better, he is not scared of me anymore, I can hand feed him if I choose to. I leave him alone 90% of the time and only am around him to feed him, mist him, have the occassional chat and make sure he is ok. :)

I was not expecting a cham and had no idea on what they were like, I went thru a huge learning curve. My biggest revelation was that they are not hands on 'pets'....your little girl will get used to you, just give her time. I have not picked my boy up yet though I really want to!
I don't think you should hold her too often ... but you sure can get the girls to eat out of your hand.
I think you would get some satisfaction there.
Mine comes right down to me now, every time I open the enclosure, and eats right out of my hand.
The girls are little piggies!
Don't let your delight of this behavior cause you to overfeed her though ... they will surely over-eat and that can cause a lot of problems.


I was surprised to hear you say that the females will overeat. How big of a problem do you think that is? OK never mind, just remembered too much food, too many eggs. Right? With my females, i do have 2 that will eat like they haven't eaten in weeks. I do really enjoy that but dont give them any more then usual.

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