Wont eat superworms


I have a 3 month old female veiled cham named Nemra. She is an amazing eater, typical consuming 15-20 crickets per day. The other day, I purchased small superworms to introduce to her. She doesn't seem to realize they are food, even if they squirming around a bunch. Is there anything I can do so she becomes more enticed to feed on them?

btw: I put them in a shallow tupperware dish
I know they are not the best, but I figured it would be a special treat, kinda like dessert. I feel like the poor girl needs a change from her typical dusted crickets.
are they small enough? Maybe put them on the screen of the cage- just be careful you watch them. If they go down find the dirt they will bury themselves and become the beetle
Why not try some wax/meal worms to change up the dusted crickets. From what I've read they are nutritious just can't feed them too regularly?
Put one on a vine or branch or the wall of the cage (they can climb quite well) and see if that gets her attention.

Is she familiar with cup / bowl feeding? It could be the container that is confusing her.

Jbujarski, Waxworms are NOT nutritious, at all, and Superworms are better than mealworms.
Its possible your cham just doesnt like them.

I have one cham who wont eat pheonix worms, but my other one loves them.

its a preference.
My female panther was hesitant for a few weeks and then she finally caved and ate her first the other day. I don't give many but I really do like feeding supers.
Try hand feeding her the worms my male (amaeleo) wouldn't eat them eithertill we handfed him one and from there it was on as long as they r alive & active :D
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