Wont lay


New Member
My cham has sat in her bin for almost 3 days. She wont lay her eggs... or even dig. How long could this take?

Is the sand warm? Most chams won't lay in cool sand. Is the lay bin large enough? It should be considerably larger than your cham.
Soak it with hot water and drain any excess that is left over the sand. Don't pour too much though, you don't want to end up with mud.
It's a good idea not to disturb her. I heard of chams taking quite some time to pick a lay spot. Some even abandon half dug holes to dig one right beside the first one. Chams are very choosy as to where they lay.
You said..."My cham has sat in her bin for almost 3 days. She wont lay her eggs... or even dig. How long could this take?"...is the bin in her cage or did you move her three days ago to a laying bin?
Its in her cage.

I have not fed her, because I didn't want to disturb her. Should I feed her? The mistking goes on still... But i shut it off yesterday in case that's what was bothering her. I'm going to use warm water in a hand sprayer, so shes warm and gets water.

None of my chams seem to like laying in sand. I switched to non-fertilizer soil called PRO-MIX from the Home Depot, and my last 2 girls laid with ease. Good Luck!
If she is not starting and then abandoning holes, then I would not suspect soil temperatures . When the soil is to cool , they usually will attempt to dig, then decide to abandon that site.

For my Panthers , a big rubbermaid bin with 10" of organic soil at room temp, sitting on concrete , has always worked.

I also use organic soil and I have good success. I don't have much experience using sand.

You may have some other issue , such as lack of calcium to your cham. The female needs calcium to aid in the contractions that enable her to pass the eggs, but , then again , you aren't seeing her even attempt to dig and lay eggs...?????
How's she doing Steve?

Still hasn't laid. I picked her up, and her grip was very strong, but i put her on a branch and she fell. Only a couple inches though... shes fine. She still hisses like crazy when i get to close, so i use a leather glove. seems to calm her down a little.

The female needs calcium to aid in the contractions that enable her to pass the eggs, but , then again , you aren't seeing her even attempt to dig and lay eggs...?????

I use calcium every day, but she stopped eating... so she hasnt had it lately. I'll try to find some organic soil... my uncle says he has a big bag of topsoil. Is that okay?

Yes, I think I read on here that some people use top soil. Now that she has stopped eating hopefully she is getting ready to lay. Camille will stop eating a few days before laying and roams around quite a bit.
Has the laying bin been in the cage since before she was gravidor did you just put it in when you thought she was gravid?

Was she mated? How old is she?

Has she been climbing around the branches or sitting low in the cage?

Can you post a picture of her please?
Has the laying bin been in the cage since before she was gravidor did you just put it in when you thought she was gravid?
There was a bin in the cage for a few months, but we took it out for a couple weeks. But she looked gravid, so we put it back in.
Was she mated? How old is she?
No she wasnt mated. Shes approx. 1.5 years old
Has she been climbing around the branches or sitting low in the cage?
Sitting in her bin mosly, occasionally climbing on the screen near the bottom
Can you post a picture of her please?
Read JannB's post

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