
This post, which I just found today while going through the unreads, is hilarious! So many pages dealing with it LOL.

As my last post says, several names for the same thing, here's what my day has consisted of thus far:

Scooped Beardie poop
Cleaned Gecko turds
Removed Bird droppings
Cleaned Other misc. small lizard excretions
Washed from glass frog crap

Now onto the chameleons poo and then my favorite (kidding hate it the most that's why it's left for last) Snake defecation!

Oh and I better not forgot to clean up the dogs shat too! lol Yep 8 words so far, all the same stuff!
Why would you say something like that? What would give you that impression? I am seriously interested.


Shhh, don't mess it up for the rest of us... uh yeah, I'm about 15. :rolleyes:

All I have to say about this thread is this... Test poopies for parasites!!!

Thanks for the laugh, Lampshade.
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