Worried about my baby male veiled...Is he okay?

Hey I just nocited he has a little white spot on his nostril, from what i read during a search that means he is over supplemented?

I have been sticking to this scheduele, barley using more than a pinch of the stuff each day, how can I be using too much?

Would this be why he was skinny, might be over supplemented or something?
Thanks! Ill skip tomorow. Should I still skip dusting on Sunday like I have been, or no since I am skipping today?

He has been doing good today, I left him alone most of the day but I watched him this morning, he ate and drank first thing when I got up.

I am not sure if this is possible, but I am thinking he is learning already that in the morning, I am his best friend cause I feed him and mist, he always runs to a certain spot near the glass, and right when I start misting he starts licking the water off the glass and leaves. While he is drinking I go out and get his crix, and he usually eats 1 right in front of me, but I never see him eat more than that in a day. Later in the day he seems to just like to bask and relax, and if he sees me in the room he kinda goes to somewhere with more cover.
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