New Member
Also Willnevins doesn't sound new to the world of Chameleons. He was able to spot the husbandry issues. The lack of dripper, the water dish, the dehydrated sunken eye's, no basking area, the fact the cricket was too big for the Chameleon to eat. Though he is a junior member, I don't think he is new to Chameleons.
I have owned my panther for a little over 3 months, but have been reading and researching for much longer. I am constantly learning from others mistakes, and have spent so much time making sure I do everything right. I definitely have more knowledge than experience when it comes to saving the life of a chameleon, and the lack of experience as well as the setup is what caused me to walk out of the store without the cham.
I will definitely give them print outs with information on proper husbandry and check up on it tomorrow morning (leaving for work soon). If it isn't alive at least they can't say what I was telling them was wrong, and hopefully they will utilize the information.
Someday my wife and I will open our own pet store and do everything right. It's not hard to look up the proper way to care for an animal, and being a pet store you should have all the tools readily available to give it the best environment possible. It's also not hard to ask questions (politely) to the person interested in buying it to make sure they know what they are getting in to before they purchase the animal. If I could I would put my store right next to this one just to put it out of business.