WTH is this kitchen lizard?!?


Established Member
I was walking through my kitchen, headed to bed, when I noticed this little booger hopping away from me in the most distressed of ways. I caught him and put him in a spare tupperware container with a bit of ecoearth and spritzed him down, but I'm curious about its identity.

My best guess is that it's some kind of local salamander that hitchhiked in on a schefflera I recently bought from a local big box store and temporarily left in my kitchen a couple nights ago. I live in North Carolina, if that helps with ID.

Kitchen Lizard.JPG
I'd say your guess would be correct! Be careful as those little guys can be poisonous! There were lots of salamanders and newts where I grew up and we would always catch them in the rivers but had to make sure to wash our hands afterwords as the poison lingers on the skin.
Yup. It's a salamander. Set up a semi-aquatic tank and you have a new pet you didn't have to pay for! (y)
Lots of small salamanders look similar to that. Around here in the PacNW we have a bunch of them. If you decide to keep him, you want a very moist planted area. Potting soil, moss, a rock. They like to hide under things and they need it damp all the time. Good little hunters, will eat most small things they can swallow.
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