

New Member
chameleons yawn? i saw my panther yawn yesterday then his little chin throat got big for a while. is that a yawn? or is he dying?! :'(
Yes they yawn, but you should always take note to whether or not its a gasp for air and if there is any mucus building up in the mouth... those can be signs of a Upper Resatory infection. But a simple yawn is normal.

chameleons yawn? i saw my panther yawn yesterday then his little chin throat got big for a while. is that a yawn? or is he dying?! :'(

They do yawn but I'm not sure that's what your describing. Some times they will puff their chin out as a display (to look bigger and scare off predators/other lizards) or to create more surface area when basking. Then sometimes they do like a combo thing puffy chin, head wiggle and yawn, looks to me like stretching.
They also do it a fair amount when they're starting to shed/shedding/etc

Mine looks like he is yawning a.l the time. he does it every morning when lights come on. and he does it like 10 times while he sheds. He abso hatez the shed on his tail and his face. its funny, cuz it looks like he is having a seizure when there is shed hanging off his tail or face cuz he shakes so much to get it off.
Lol my girlfriend saw my veiled yawn for the first time she said they take after their owner!!!
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