

So yesterday before I went sleep at my cousins house I noticed I had baby praying mantises climbing up their screen cage.....

so I took them out and moved them into the container I had the baby crickets crawling around in that way there would be food for them. My baby crickets are really small so I didnt think Id have a problem with the mantises eating them. I come back today... and I have no more praying mantises 0.0 and I noticed atleast 50 and more coming out of the egg case yesterday... Im wondering if either they escaped through a hole in the lid or if they just all got eaten.... I dont see any limbs are anything in the container.... =[ so maybe ill find little praying mantis's climbing around in my room somewheres..... I know mantises will eat each other if there isnt an ample amount of food so I put tons of branches and stuff in the container so they could hide and figured well... theres plenty of small pinhead crickets in there why would they eat each other? Yet... they are bugs.... I couldnt say Id know the drive for eating my sister.....
[QUOTE).. I couldnt say Id know the drive for eating my sister.....[/QUOTE]

What about your cousin if there was absolutely no food and you were really hungry? :eek::rolleyes::p:eek::D:p;)
hahahaha XD suzi that was funny... XD but they did have little bitty small crickets to munch on =[[ Im hoping they just escaped in my room and didnt devour each other =[[[ I did provide lots of hiding spots just didnt seperate them.
Hey, let us know if you find them and how it goes, I want to get some soon :)
hahahaha XD suzi that was funny... XD but they did have little bitty small crickets to munch on =[[ Im hoping they just escaped in my room and didnt devour each other =[[[ I did provide lots of hiding spots just didnt seperate them.

I knew they had plenty of food, I was just messin with ya! :p any luck yet?:confused:
lol I know u were suzi XD Im just sad =[[[ I been wanting them to hatch XD finally did and it took me forever to get them out of that screen thing. No no luck yet =[ I relooked in the baby cricket container to see if I could find maybe some body parts...none. Ive been looking by my windowsill hoping they would have went up there maybe to try and get out idk? I looked around my Chameleons cage too to see if maybe they tried getting in there to get in the plants but the mesh holes arent really that big. Gotta be somewheres...
I'm sorry :(:( I know how frustrating these kind of things are, and sad. I really hope they turn up.
Check the sock drawer... Usually little horror bugs like to be where you least expect them... Idk may just be spiders and scorpions here in Texas but hey never know... I mean it already sounds mysterious anyways lol
lol im not sure if theyd be able to get in there... I have these plastic bins thaht u pull out.... though.... they did escape the plastic containre I had them in 0.0 there was tiny tiny air holes... which... im almost positve if they escaped thats how -_- I would of thought though by now I would have seen them around atleast one of them...... well I do know if they get bigger and survive... ill definitely know.
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