You All Lied to Me!

Crickets and Roaches, I can never hold or touch either of them. A cricket has jumped on my arm several occasions. This one time one jumped on my arm and I got so scared that i dropped the cup and they all got out! (about 7) and they landed right on my feet. I was scared, I jumped and screamed like a girl.

Luckily I was able to retrieve them all.
Thanks so much to everyone who's making me feel like less of a wuss. The next time I reach for the tongs, tweezers, or spoon to handle Gunther's food I'm going to think of all the awesome people who are doing the same thing and have the guts to admit it on a public forum.

Although my favorite method of feeding is the grab and throw. I've got pretty good aim and it usually lands somewhere in his cage.

I'm loving all the stories, keep 'em coming!!! I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
Yes, that's right, certain people on this forum lied to me!

When I was first considering a chameleon I had one reservation, their food. I don't do well with insects. I'm not going to lie, the freak me out.

I had SEVERAL people on this forum reassure me I would quickly get over my fear of bugs after several months of dealing with them.

News Flash, I haven't!!!!
I dropped a hornworm today when it moved too quickly and screamed like a little girl! I get the heebie jeebies reaching into the silkworm cup. Butterworms terrify me. I have vivid nightmares about superworms. Crickets are completely out of the question. I can't even walk by the cricket containers at the petstore.

I have no fear of my chameleon or snakes biting me. But if one of the bugs were to bite me I don't think any amount of therapy could help me get over it.


I swear, if Gunther wasn't so darn cute I'd give up on this whole chameleon thing altogether.

So fess up!
Is anyone else completely terrified of their chameleon's food? Does anyone else use tweezers or feeding tongs for especially large hornworms and superworms? Does anyone else scream like a little girl when the silkworms look at you the wrong way?

Or am I the only pansy on this forum? :(

your joking right?
I have never purposefully touched a bug, feeder or otherwise (although I don't find supers creepy like most... they just look like worms! Still, won't touch 'em.)
Well they don't cocoon, but they do change into a beetle and slowly eat your brain every time you have sex. Hehe

Harry see this people?! I knew once they got under your skin they would ruin my sex life. Either by slowly eating my heart or by turning my brain into a gutload. One look at those guys and I knew they were planning something.
I have never purposefully touched a bug, feeder or otherwise (although I don't find supers creepy like most... they just look like worms! Still, won't touch 'em.)

Just checking in, you DO have a chameleon right? What do you feed the little person?

Now I have at various time, crickets, super worms, horn worms, silkworms, phoenix worms, praying mantis, butter worms, wax works & yes the dreaded roaches. I can handle all with bare hands except the roaches. I need gloves to go into their tank. i am working on it but so far I just can't hold a roach.
I am only a small part wuss.
You are a pansy. I'll put my hand into the roach bin to grab a roach and get two, three or even four adults that'll run up my arm. My GF RUUUUNNNNNS and SCREAMMMS :eek:. I just grab them and toss them back. :rolleyes::cool:
Many of us willingly admit to pansy status. I know I went to work today thinking "gee...I've handled 3 different bugs before work....ick!".
I think chameleons as pets, deserve an owner who isnt afraid to offer them a wide variety of insects. I am quite comfortable handling any insect.
IMO I think you should get over your fear. Do it for your lovely cham, im sure he'll appreciate it.:)
I understand if any ladies on here are freaked out but some guys too...!LOL
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