You have to hear this!!!


New Member
I received a phone call from the landlord this morning due to complaints they have to inspect our apartment! Some crazy neighbours, with lot of spare time in their hands think I'm growing weed!! That's from seeing the light on all day in the enclosure!!:)
Get a life people!;)
I'm trying to see the funny side of it!:) But I think is really sad that somebody has nothing else to do but looking in other people places!;)
I was freaking out! Pets are not allowed in our apartment but if others can keep cats, well my chameleon stays!!
We told them what it is and they seem ok with that.. Anyway they'll call in on Wednesday..
LOL, your chameleon Op is a grow OP. Too funny! It's 2012, your landlord better get used to grow ops, they are not going anywhere any time soon. Its a darn plant for goodness sake.
LOL, your chameleon Op is a grow OP. Too funny! It's 2012, your landlord better get used to grow ops, they are not going anywhere any time soon. Its a darn plant for goodness sake.

Some friend actually suggested to look outside when they're people passing by, with a joint in my hand and wave!!;)
This is very creepy!!:D

lol. seriously, thats just wrong.. get a life.. or a job.. ooo do both! [to them not you of course]

and if someone loooked in my window, i would ge tthe same thing.
ive got two huge scheffelaras in the window for Kinks fr, two cages with pothos for Kermit and Glacier, 3 fr pothos for Lily, and two small cages for the mantids and hornworms.
Sounds more like senior citizen houusing where they have nothing else to do except spy on their neighbors.
Remember folks, in modern society this hobby can seem quite weird to people who know nothing of it.

Totally understandable! But seriously! I go to work 5 days a week and when I get home I'm lucky if I have dinner before 9.30 pm! I don't have time to spy around!!;)
Everynight I pull in the driveway, and see that constant glow coming from my reptile room, I suspect myself of illegal activity. :eek:
Haha some people just have nothing better to do than involve themselves in others lives. Luckily I live in the country and my neighbors are a good ways away, but I still show off my collection. My neighbor on one side is from Maine, and she is deathly and irrationally terrified of snakes, but she loves the chams. She comes up and checks them out and will pick up shipments for me when I'm not home. My other neighbors are Canadian and they do not share the love.
I actually just had a similar inspection. The landlords said it was to check my appliances, which they did, but I have a feeling it was for more than that because they went into every room, regardless of appliances. They seemed to love the cages though, because I have two 55-65gal naturalistic vivs set up for geckos and my two big chameleon cages. They thought they were all really pretty with all the plants. So they haven't said anything else about it.

But imagine what people think! I have 4' shop light fluorescents hanging from the ceiling in my spare bedroom over lots of plants... it doesn't surprise me that this is what people think we do!
Everynight I pull in the driveway, and see that constant glow coming from my reptile room, I suspect myself of illegal activity. :eek:

Lol! To be totally fair looking at that window from outside I thought how bad it can look from others people point of view..:)
away from neighbors

Sorry to hear about nosey neighbors. That is why I live on 40 acres. People stay out of my business. ;)
The funny part is that to grow something illegal you don't even use flourescent lighting. It's mercury vapor or metal halide. Not that I ever did it or anything.
Sorry to hear about nosey neighbors. That is why I live on 40 acres. People stay out of my business. ;)

Lucky you!:) The funny things is.. I'm the nosey one!! When somebody leaves curtains open and light on I normally have a little peek, but ends there! Whatever people do in their own lace is nobody's business!:)
Lucky you!:) The funny things is.. I'm the nosey one!! When somebody leaves curtains open and light on I normally have a little peek, but ends there! Whatever people do in their own lace is nobody's business!:)

Who doesn't? lol I' always super curious how other people have decorated their apartments, especially if I feel like the layout of the place is awkward. So if I'm walking the dogs and someone leaves a curtain open I will peek in lol But what they have in there is their business, obviously.
I wish people just mind their own business

I like to know what my neighbors think about my red lights on at night in my bonus room(snake room) The Red Light Special? LOL
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