You have to hear this!!!

it amazes me sometime to think how people are more concerned about why a light is left on in my house then whats going on in their own lives
I believe most electric companies will alert law enforcement (in the US) to 12/12 power spikes and drop offs, if they are extreme. Somthing to keep in mind if you have a bunch of lights going on about that cycle.:rolleyes:
Or have the full blown DEA at your door like me haha
Roby, it shouldn't be a problem. Chameleons don't really fall into the classic "pet" category and are/should be regarded in the same category as fish....your chameleons aren't running around pooping on the carpet and peeing in the cracks of the floor...

Let us know how it goes.
Oh nO!
How did you make out?

Haha they tore my place up asked if there was anyway anything in my saltwater tanks could be used as a narcotic lmfao I said nah but I got some shit in there that could kill your a** I was a little heated haha so I welcomed them to dig around in them all they wanted they declined I've actually had 4 visits in total from people tipping off the cops and 2 tip offs to the DEA each time I moved from the power company I guess 4,500 watts of lighting affects your electricity statements? Who knew lol
12/12 is for flowering bruh. 18/6 is for veg
You caught that huh? Now we all know what your up too;)
J/K shows you what I know:rolleyes::cool:
Haha they tore my place up asked if there was anyway anything in my saltwater tanks could be used as a narcotic lmfao I said nah but I got some shit in there that could kill your a** I was a little heated haha so I welcomed them to dig around in them all they wanted they declined I've actually had 4 visits in total from people tipping off the cops and 2 tip offs to the DEA each time I moved from the power company I guess 4,500 watts of lighting affects your electricity statements? Who knew lol

Lol, holy crap...
I would be getting in touch with them and the electric company to get it sorted out once and for all ;/
I once sent a handgun through USPS and forgot to attach to correct form. I guess the package was seized. The DEA and FBI arrived at my home to search. Then I showed them my Federal Firearms license and it was all good.
I find it very disturbing that the police could pay a visit and search your house just based on power usage. In the US at least that would be a violation of your 4th amendment rights. It would be like saying that because you're driving a Harley you likely are smuggling drugs. Ridiculous!

Of course I'm the guy who said "Decline to state" at a DUI check point when they asked me where I was coming from or where I was going. I explained they have no reasonable reason to suspect me of a crime and as US citizen I was under no obligation to divulge my private comings and goings. I could tell they were pissed but I've never done anything more illegal than speed in my car so they can pound sand.
I find it very disturbing that the police could pay a visit and search your house just based on power usage. In the US at least that would be a violation of your 4th amendment rights. It would be like saying that because you're driving a Harley you likely are smuggling drugs. Ridiculous!

Of course I'm the guy who said "Decline to state" at a DUI check point when they asked me where I was coming from or where I was going. I explained they have no reasonable reason to suspect me of a crime and as US citizen I was under no obligation to divulge my private comings and goings. I could tell they were pissed but I've never done anything more illegal than speed in my car so they can pound sand.

Oh yes, its very disturbing.
Hehe I love this ace
I need to relax especiallly after a day taking care of the chams!

Tkilgour I didn't know about the vits in the buds. Now I know what to give my veileds tomorrow morning!
Well all this just looks to me like one more reason to get off the grid as soon as I can! I've been thinking how easy it would be to adapt the principals of the whole "Earth Ship House" movement to Chameleon keeping!

If you're not on the grid and have no nosy neighbors nobody would come a knocking for your energy usage.
LOL... I went through this a few years back. I had a pretty big cham "grow op" going and had heat seeking helicopters buzzing my house & cops @ the door. Once they figured it out they were pretty nice about it. I still wonder what people driving by must think about all the lights & plants in the windows.
LOL... I went through this a few years back. I had a pretty big cham "grow op" going and had heat seeking helicopters buzzing my house & cops @ the door. Once they figured it out they were pretty nice about it. I still wonder what people driving by must think about all the lights & plants in the windows.

I mean, if I was growing pot I would be smarter than that and I would make sure you could not see the set up from the window!!;)
I'm very offended! How dum they think I'm!!:p
I find it very disturbing that the police could pay a visit and search your house just based on power usage. In the US at least that would be a violation of your 4th amendment rights.

Happens every day.

Thanks to weak minded idiots all jumping on bandwagons when politicians declare war on things that are concepts (war on drugs, war on terror). Concepts are not winnable, so the war becomes never ending. This is important because we have a tradition of giving up rights in war time. Especially 4th amendment rights.

In Langerwerf's book, the police circled his breeding facility in alabama with helicopters and then came to visit him and have a look around.

I live in a rural area. Small town America, lots and lots of veterans here. My kids elementary school was small enough that everyone knew everyone else- teachers knew the kids of all grades and the families. Our county high school is pretty small compared to where I grew up, and I grew up in an area my wife's family thinks of as small. Yet a few times per school year, the police come in with dogs, round the kids up (including mine who are at the top of their class) and move them to the gymnasium to be lined up, questioned, sniffed and inspected, bags opened on request and the police take the dogs down the hallways and sniff lockers and they search the classrooms. In small town america. My grandfather if he were alive would be furious and amazed at how much we have become like socialist europe. In fact these days, socialist europe seems to have more freedom in many ways. Yet we have all been trained and conditioned to peacefully live and accept it with a smile, and we do. I'm no different- I go along to get along. But at least I don't vote for the guys that trample on my rights.
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Happens every day.

Thanks to weak minded idiots all jumping on bandwagons when politicians declare war on things that are concepts (war on drugs, war on terror). Concepts are not winnable, so the war becomes never ending. This is important because we have a tradition of giving up rights in war time. Especially 4th amendment rights.

In Langerwerf's book, the police circled his breeding facility in alabama with helicopters and then came to visit him and have a look around.

I live in a rural area. Small town America, lots and lots of veterans here. My kids elementary school was small enough that everyone knew everyone else- teachers knew the kids of all grades and the families. Our county high school is pretty small compared to where I grew up, and I grew up in an area my wife's family thinks of as small. Yet a few times per school year, the police come in with dogs, round the kids up (including mine who are at the top of their class) and move them to the gymnasium to be lined up, questioned, sniffed and inspected, bags opened on request and the police take the dogs down the hallways and sniff lockers and they search the classrooms. In small town america. My grandfather if he were alive would be furious and amazed at how much we have become like socialist europe. In fact these days, socialist europe seems to have more freedom in many ways. Yet we have all been trained and conditioned to peacefully live and accept it with a smile, and we do. I'm no different- I go along to get along. But at least I don't vote for the guys that trample on my rights.

So true, newb growers set themselves up for failure and the police thrive on it. Your cham room tripped them up, and I love it! That PD lost tons of tax payers money. Now maybe the population in your city will see how poorly their money is spent. A search warrant, pffft! Great waste of $$$$
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