You have to hear this!!!

Happens every day.

Thanks to weak minded idiots all jumping on bandwagons when politicians declare war on things that are concepts (war on drugs, war on terror). Concepts are not winnable, so the war becomes never ending. This is important because we have a tradition of giving up rights in war time. Especially 4th amendment rights.

In Langerwerf's book, the police circled his breeding facility in alabama with helicopters and then came to visit him and have a look around.

I live in a rural area. Small town America, lots and lots of veterans here. My kids elementary school was small enough that everyone knew everyone else- teachers knew the kids of all grades and the families. Our county high school is pretty small compared to where I grew up, and I grew up in an area my wife's family thinks of as small. Yet a few times per school year, the police come in with dogs, round the kids up (including mine who are at the top of their class) and move them to the gymnasium to be lined up, questioned, sniffed and inspected, bags opened on request and the police take the dogs down the hallways and sniff lockers and they search the classrooms. In small town america. My grandfather if he were alive would be furious and amazed at how much we have become like socialist europe. In fact these days, socialist europe seems to have more freedom in many ways. Yet we have all been trained and conditioned to peacefully live and accept it with a smile, and we do. I'm no different- I go along to get along. But at least I don't vote for the guys that trample on my rights.

If you begin searching them from a young age they will grow up thinking it is okay and normal. It really isn't.

Talk about getting me fired up in the morning, now I'm all angry and disenchanted! ha haa

The power company would only inspect in my town to see what you are doing & encourage everyone else to do the same... greedy... one year they upped our electric costsd based on what they figured we would use for the winter & they paid the stockholders based on projected earnings. We had a mild winter & they raised the costs to "recover" what they thought they were going to make. :rolleyes:
man you guys make me feel bad talking about my fellow brothers in blue the way you are... :(

Lol, I have the the utmost respect for police officers, and I worked in law enforcement myself for 4 years. Its the laws and the system that are screwed up;) If you are in that line of work, Im sure you can agree to at least some extent.
man you guys make me feel bad talking about my fellow brothers in blue the way you are... :(

In my opinion the government and the police should only be functioning to protect people and their property from direct harm.

This is not the primary focus from what I have observed. I see an enforcement arm in place to protect the funding of the vast bureaucratic machine that pays for them. Sadly this machine is also funded by my tax dollars and no matter who I vote for it is the same.

Police officers are human though, it isn't their fault. I hate what they do but am always respectful of an on duty officer because they are humans and I have to believe trying to do what they think is right...
Lol, I have the the utmost respect for police officers, and I worked in law enforcement myself for 4 years. Its the laws and the system that are screwed up;) If you are in that line of work, Im sure you can agree to at least some extent.

I agree with that totally. As a Police Officer I must enforce that law to the "letter" with some discretion. And yes, I may not always agree with what the "law" states and how I am to enforce it, but it is my job to enforce it. If i feel there is an issue i must take it to my states law makers and let them know what my concerns are in hope that the "system" only gets better.
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