You know you are ADDICTED when


Established Member
I have spent the week in the Opryland hotel.
For those of you who are not familiar with this place they have an entirely enclosed,climatically controlled area with several fantastic garden areas. These areas are planted with thousands of plants and trees as well as having many water features.
As I walked through the fantastic areas ALL I could keep thinking about was WOW if I could just put this species of chameleon here and that species there etc etc. Well I think you get the picture so here are some examples of these beautiful areas.

All my wife could do was smile and shake her head. In my fantasy I have already decided what species I would put here and over there etc. What can I say it's an addiction and I love it :~)
That would be chameleon heaven; all the space and climbing areas they could possible want, without the threat of predators….
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I told my husband the exact same thing last time we stayed there! :) I think
he is afraid I will try and sneak a few in next time...
That really is a very, very lovely place. I would love to go there sometime. Thanks for sharing it.

But really Steve!! I could have told you you were addicted, you are well into obsessed, but we all still love you.:)

I have had those day dreams ever since the mid 1990's when I started the hobby. The closest I got to them is my greenhouse. What species were you thinking of in particular?

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich

I have had those day dreams ever since the mid 1990's when I started the hobby. The closest I got to them is my greenhouse. What species were you thinking of in particular?

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich

WOW now that's a question I could spend hours on in fantasyland :D
In answering your question and as a ( day dream or fantasy ) it would be easier to mention the ones I didn't think about lol. That said however as I was walking through these gardens I would look at areas and the type and size of the plants and trees as well as the water features. I remember thinking one area that had larger/stronger trees and plants and also has a waterfall creating a lot of mist/humidity would be the area I would put Calumma Parsonii ( any of them) but more specifically Yellow Lip,Yellow giant etc. Other areas seemed more dense,high humidity,smaller plants and trees so some of the smaller Triioceros species like Jacksoni,Meru etc. I could continue this for hours but the Boss Lady :D just told me it's time to go so I will have to continue this later. But bradypodion,furcifer etc all came to mind. Back to vacation land.
Take care
Forget us adults, could you imgine walking thru with your kid(s). Great conversation starter for explaining how everything works in nature. The food chain, how this supports that, the animal waste fertilizes that, this insect carries that pollen, etc. You could spend days in there bonding with your children, all while they are learning.
WOW now that's a question I could spend hours on in fantasyland :D
In answering your question and as a ( day dream or fantasy ) it would be easier to mention the ones I didn't think about lol. That said however as I was walking through these gardens I would look at areas and the type and size of the plants and trees as well as the water features. I remember thinking one area that had larger/stronger trees and plants and also has a waterfall creating a lot of mist/humidity would be the area I would put Calumma Parsonii ( any of them) but more specifically Yellow Lip,Yellow giant etc. Other areas seemed more dense,high humidity,smaller plants and trees so some of the smaller Triioceros species like Jacksoni,Meru etc. I could continue this for hours but the Boss Lady :D just told me it's time to go so I will have to continue this later. But bradypodion,furcifer etc all came to mind. Back to vacation land.
Take care


The palm trees would make decent Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) habitat too.

Kind Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
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