Your chameleons name and why

My first girl hated people. Coza however, pretty much associates all people with food (even though I'm the only one that's ever fed her,) so she will pretty much hop to the front for anyone. Either food association or she likes to be admired 🤩
Interesting! Very cool how these guys have such diverse personalities, I think most people associate reptiles with a sort of coldness… even I was pleasantly surprised by Leo.
Yeah, but which one, and why was there no Beeblebrox?
I thought it was too much like an AKC name, and considering he was a Petco brat, I thought it unwise since I could not tell the lineage. (Believe it or not, this is the truth 😅.)
No consideration of of Slartibartfast? :unsure:
As I recall, a former Forum moderator suggested this as a potential name for Raistlin. I miss their contributions here every single day. That was not one of my favorites…
Never read the Dragonlance series, but didn't have to look either up. 🤓
It was one of my favorites.

If you are into the D&D stuff, I recommend the series.
I have crew of 5.

Ambrose is named after my great great grandfather.

Iba is short for Iba Iba which is Tagalog for different.

Rou is short for Rouge because she has lots of red in her colors.

Blythe mean joy.

And my newest girl is Ezme. She is a rescue and her name means beloved.
I’ve enjoyed reading everyones posts about their chameleons names! My first Cham was a Jackson’s Xanth I had about 25 years ago. His name was Jack. How original! Lol! My second Cham I got a few months after Jack died, and he’s a Jacksons Xanth. His name was Isaac. He died within a year as well. As you all know my recent Jacksons Xanth is Eustis. When I saw him at petco that name just popped into my head and stuck. He’s healthy and seems to be happy and he’s about 13 or 14 months old and doing great and he makes me very happy!
I love naming animals one of my favorite parts! U wanna know your chameleons name and why you picked that. I picked Yoshi because I split the cost with my siblings and they over powered me and the choice and named him Yoshi I know what a cliche name 😂. I wish I could of named him dart (stranger things), Poseidon, or Zeus or etc
I gave my children the power to name our first after many years of not having one. We went through a gamut but one daughter is very into music at the end it was a 3 , 2 vote between Morrison and Ozzy his name now is Morrison
I love naming animals one of my favorite parts! U wanna know your chameleons name and why you picked that. I picked Yoshi because I split the cost with my siblings and they over powered me and the choice and named him Yoshi I know what a cliche name 😂. I wish I could of named him dart (stranger things), Poseidon, or Zeus or etc
Mango!! because she has an orange forehead ! :)) she’s also so social and loves to climb on my shoulder !
I love naming animals one of my favorite parts! U wanna know your chameleons name and why you picked that. I picked Yoshi because I split the cost with my siblings and they over powered me and the choice and named him Yoshi I know what a cliche name 😂. I wish I could of named him dart (stranger things), Poseidon, or Zeus or etc
I named Van ‘Van’ because he made me lowkey think of Van from Reba. He’s very Jock-esque and thinks he’s cool and smitten but he does funny stuff a lot.
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