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  1. ToastyCham

    Need to be concerned?

    Hi! The most common reason for eye issues is incorrect UVB or supplements. What supplements and UVB do you use? If you would like us to do a full husbandry review just ask.
  2. ToastyCham


    I love his colors! I feel like people don’t give enough credit to the veiled’s beautiful yellows and greens!
  3. ToastyCham

    Gotcha x3

    Happy Gotcha Day!! They all look amazing!
  4. ToastyCham

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Here are the forms mentioned
  5. ToastyCham


    Yes the bin goes in the cage and @MissSkittles has a blog on egg laying and laying bins. I’ve attached the link.
  6. ToastyCham


    Like @Sherbertsmysunshine said they do lay eggs but unless they’ve been with a male the eggs will be infertile.
  7. ToastyCham

    New journey Bluchin

    Oh he’s so handsome!! What kind of parsons is he?
  8. ToastyCham

    Jack the nosy be

    Always nice to see how Jack’s doing!
  9. ToastyCham

    Progress of my bioactive build

    Wow! That’s amazing! He’ll love it!
  10. ToastyCham

    If you've got it, flaunt it!

    Oh my gosh!! 😱🤯 He’s so amazing!!
  11. ToastyCham

    Superworms died

    Well that might be a possibility but we buy organic so there shouldn’t have been a pesticide on them.
  12. ToastyCham

    Superworms died

    Yes they are in the stuff they came in. I’m not sure what it is.
  13. ToastyCham

    Superworms died

    Hey everyone! I just got a new batch of superworms the other day and I fed them some bell peppers last night and this morning I woke up and they’re all dead!! What happened?!!?!?
  14. ToastyCham

    Todo Tuesday 🥰

    I love the colors!
  15. ToastyCham

    Cricket explosion! 🦗💣

    I would totally want to see that 😂
  16. ToastyCham

    Her royal highness Princess Prissy Pants passed today 😭

    I'm sorry for your loss. 😭😭
  17. ToastyCham


    Hi and welcome to the forum! He looks to me like an ambanja or maybe a sambava. He’s very handsome!
  18. ToastyCham

    August 2024 Photo Contest

    Congrats @Ben and @Sonny13! You had amazing pictures!
  19. ToastyCham

    New journey Bluchin

    Aaahhhh! I love parsons!!! He’s so cool!!!!
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