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    How do I get my chameleon to eat?

    I cant get my adult female jackson cham to eat. Igave her waxworms and crickets today and she would not eat them. She only ate like 2 crickets yesterday. I tried raising temps, bringing her outside, none of them worked. I am at a loss and I really need your guys help. This started to happen...
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    How do I get my chameleon to eat?

    I really dont understand why my chameleon is like this. She is an adult female jackson. I haven't seen her poop in like 2 days (but she has tons of foliage and a live plant, so it is likely that she did and it went in the soil or I just never found it). But that isn't the huge issue, the main...
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    I really want to boost up my chameleons nutrition and give her good meals. Because a previous error was I did not do a great job gutloading her insects and maybe that is why she doesnt have a huge appetite. I thought maybe if I get her to eat just a few good gut loaded insects, she would be more...
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    Jackson Chameleon Help?

    Why, do females naturally just not have ahuge appetite like the males? I did get 50 waxworms today, I know they are just pure fat but they are a good treat to get her appetite up:) Thank you for the reply it mademe feel much more confident
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    How much should my cham eat?

    This is what she eats anyway, I offer her more but she hasnt been eating much more than 5.
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    How much should my cham eat?

    I never really new how much food an adult chameleon should eat. My adult ( over a year old) female jackson cham usually eats between 3-5 crickets every feeding time. I feed her every other day. Is this a proper amount of food for her?
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    Jackson Chameleon Help?

    I have been having a slight problem with my female Jackson, so I decided finally to fill out the help form. Chameleon Info: * Your Chameleon - roughly 1 year, 2 month old female Jackson Chameleon. I have had her since the beginning of June. * Handling - Almost never, occasionally to...
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    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    She was about a year in June, so a year and a few months old. She is a Jackson Chameleon, so she doesnt lay eggs. I have had her since June, so she would have already had some babies IF she were pregnant because Jacksons usually have the first "clutch" of babies in July or June. I never bred...
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    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    My chameleon has always been a fine eater, but ever since I moved her to a bigger enclosure she has been eating off and on, and not eating as much as she used to. I will try to bring her outside today. Will bringing her outside help this?
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    What do you think of this gutload?

    Thank you Dez so much! It really sounds like an awesome product (even Sandra approved)! I am certainly buying some ASAP!
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    Is this an ok schedule?

    I feed my female jackson chameleon around 4 times a week, or every other day. She eats maybe 5 crickets/worms/ or whatever I feed her. I gutload my insects with fresh fruit and veggies and I will soon be buying King Kricket Feast. As for supplements, I give her plain calcium a few times a...
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    Outside chameleon question?

    Yeah, I got a female jacksons cham.
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    Outside chameleon question?

    Do you abesolutely HAVE to bring your chameleon outside? My chameleon gets extremely stressed out when I hold her, plus I have no outdoor enclosure. I have 5.0 UVB exo terra coil bulb, and I will be getting a tube 5.0 reptisun in a few days. I give calcium supplements a few times a week and a...
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    Jackson Cham temps Question?

    I know the ideal temps for a jackson should be around 75 ambient and 80 basking spot. My cham, about a year old female, was looking real drab lately, so I tried experimenting with temps. I put the basking spot up to 85-86 degrees, which I know is supposedly too hot for them. However, I looked...
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    UVB Question?

    No, she gets stressed when I hold her, and I dont have an outdoor cage. I think I'll stick to the 5.0
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    UVB Question?

    My enclosure is 18x18x36 with a lot of foliage. She is about a year and 2-3 months old
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    UVB Question?

    Right now I have an Exo Terra coil bulb for my Jackson Chameleon. But I heard basically that coil bulbs suck, so does anyone have any recommendations as to what I should get? Is the Reptisun by Zoomed OK?
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    What do you think of this gutload?

    The main reason why I wanted to buy a prepared gutload was because if u make your own, it could be a bit expensive. It is 25 dollars just for spirulina!
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    What do you think of this gutload?

    I looked up repashy bug burger. I looked in the ingredients, and it said corn meal and potatoe granules were in it... Both not nutritious. Krill was also in there, which is animal protein and can cause liver problems. Definitely gonna stay away from that one...
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    What do you think of this gutload?

    Has anyone used it before? Did it work good?
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