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  1. FluffyDuff


    Sorry if this is long. So Zeke quit eating crickets. I bought him some blue bottle flies he ate a couple that I saw and I was happy. I left five in his cage before I left for work, when I came home all 5 flies were just sitting on him. I took them out immediately. Today I fly in his...
  2. FluffyDuff

    Where do you purchase your feeders at?

    Well the title pretty much sums my question up. I'm a new cham owner and was just wondering what everyone feeds their cham and where do you buy them from. I just made my first purchase from and was just told about I was just curious about any other...
  3. FluffyDuff

    Picky Cham.

    Wow, thanks for the link, bigcappa! I just went on there and checked out all the stuff they have and I'm thinking when I get done, Zeke will be one spoiled cham. All I have to do now is order some and make him a feeding cup and he'll be in heaven.
  4. FluffyDuff

    Picky Cham.

    So Zeke ate a couple of crickets and then I saw nothing for like 3-4 days. I started to get worried and went an ordered him some blue bottle flies. But while I was waiting for them to come in the mail and hatch I went to the pet store and picked up some mealworms. I was also wondering if I...
  5. FluffyDuff

    Picky Cham.

    So I bought some crickets and some mealworms for my cham. I don't really see him eat alot which I'm reading on here that isn't that odd. I also ordered some blue bottle flies and was looking forward to the feeding show of him zapping flies, but that's not happening either. I only actually see...
  6. FluffyDuff

    Meet Zeke!

    I.really.don't know.much either. But I'm reading every piece of info I can. A coworker didn't know what they were doing and didn't really want to try or learn. They had him in a 10 or 20 gallon aquarium with a dripper, 1 fake ivy vine, a stick and some substrate they found outside that was...
  7. FluffyDuff

    Meet Zeke!

    Sorry I don't know why the pic didn't load. I'm new to tapatalk.
  8. FluffyDuff

    Meet Zeke!

    Zeke is a 5-6 month old Fischers.
  9. FluffyDuff

    How much BB flies should I order?

    Well wish me luck! I just put my order in for some Blue Bottle Flies with I never thought in my wildest dream I would have mealworms and maggots in my frige and crickets on my porch! I actually a little worried about the maggots. I can handle every time of insect there...
  10. FluffyDuff

    How much BB flies should I order?

    I really don't mean to sound like a complete idiot, I should have asked this in my last post as well. If I receive maggots/spikes if I take some out and just sit them in room temperature how soon will I have flies?
  11. FluffyDuff

    How much BB flies should I order?

    If i hatch all of them at once, how long can I store them in the refrigerator as flys?
  12. FluffyDuff

    How much BB flies should I order?

    How many should I in each of the BB flies stages? Just so I always have some actual flies on hand to feed him? I don't want to calculate wrong and then have him.go hungry. Sorry I'm so retarded! LOL.
  13. FluffyDuff

    How much BB flies should I order?

    I have one fischers and am wanting to order some BB flies for him. I'm wondering how many I should buy for just one cham? I know I can store them in the fridge but for how long? How many flies should I feed him a day? What.type of hatching cycle, so I don't run out?
  14. FluffyDuff

    Blue Bottle Flies

    Hoping people are still watching this thread! I went on to and was getting ready to order some blue bottle flies for my fischers that isn't eating crickets anymore. Well my question is, how many should I order for one fischers? How many should I feed him per day? What...
  15. FluffyDuff

    DIY Misting Systems

    Wow, now I have so many ideas and combinations of things I can do, I don't what to do! Really looking forward to a DIY. I'm also thinking of doing some.sort of drainage.
  16. FluffyDuff

    DIY Misting Systems

    I.currently do have a dripper going. But when I go to work I just worry about keeping the humidity up. Will one of the rain systems or a fogger do that?
  17. FluffyDuff

    DIY Misting Systems

    If it matters, I have a Fischer's Chameleon.
  18. FluffyDuff

    DIY Misting Systems

    Ok, I'm a noob and I really don't have the money to run out and buy a misting system. The one's I can afford are apparently POS and thought I would like to try a DIY project. I'm looking for a misting system for 1 screen enclosure but I would like to be able to store the resevoir on the...
  19. FluffyDuff

    Newbie with pics of rescue.

    Yeah I've got the temp at 75-78 but my humidity gauge isn't working it says 0. I even took it to the shower with me and nothing. So I gotta get a new one. I mist a lot. When I'm home I mist if the leaves on the pothos are almost dry. Sometimes I wonder if I mist too much. Sometimes Zeke...
  20. FluffyDuff

    Petco steered me a little wrong.

    I am so glad you think my cage looks good. I've been staring at it all day thinking of what else he might need. Trying to make him happy! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk
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