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  1. linklance

    Baby temps

    Ohhh I must have been looking at an older one, thank you!He is definitely up to something in there haha. He has been doing great actually, finally got him to eat his roaches which was a relief. Still quite shy but im fine with that, we have all the time in the world to work on that one. By the...
  2. linklance

    Baby temps

    The veiled caresheet says 76-78 *basking bulb usually not needed* for a 3-5 month old veiled male. Is this correct? I currently have his basking spot at 85 using a 30watt household bulb. He seems very content with it. He wakes up around 8am, then immediatly starts basking and eating. He...
  3. linklance

    Picky or Blind?

    I got him eating them!!!!!!!! Finally. I stole an idea from a youtube video that was mentioned on this forum a few times. It basically encourages the roaches to climb vertically, succeeding in capturing my little guys attention.
  4. linklance

    Picky or Blind?

    Thanks for the help! Tommorow will be day 3 of him not eating, refusing roaches. I guess ill give up if he doesnt eat them tommorow.
  5. linklance

    Picky or Blind?

    If he decides that he will not eat roaches, what are some good alternatives. I really dont want to house crickets because they smell and they chirp. I understand they need variety but so far he only eats crickets lol..
  6. linklance

    Picky or Blind?

    Ive had him for about a week. So far he will ONLY eat crickets. I tried dubias obviously and pheonix worms. He is just not interested lol...
  7. linklance

    Picky or Blind?

    Haha you're so right! He is a stubborn little man.
  8. linklance

    Picky or Blind?

    I would, but like I said if i get close to the cage he will hide for like a half hour haha! so the roach will wander off. Im just going to leave them in the cup and maybe he will figure it out. How dangerous is it to do that? Will he go hungry quickly?
  9. linklance

    Picky or Blind?

    So I am trying to get my baby veiled off crickets and onto dubias. I have been offering them to him the same way he gets his crickets. In a small clear shallow plastic cup. He will not eat the roaches though... I even put both roaches and crickets in the cup and when i came back he picked out...
  10. linklance

    How much?

    I say pinheads, I should be more specific. Most of them are close or at the 1/2 mark. I also have been offering him roach nymphs and pheonix worms. I apologize I tend to generalize baby crickets into pinheads haha. Thank you!
  11. linklance

    How much?

    Gunther usually eats like 5-10 pinheads a day. Is this a healthy amount? He is a 2.5 month old veiled chameleon. He is still shy as can be, he can barely handle me being in the same room.
  12. linklance

    What are your chameleons names?

    My little guy is named Gunther!
  13. linklance

    Cage Cleaning?

    Ohh ok, that makes sense. Thank you!
  14. linklance

    My new buddy!

    He climbed onto my hand again today which was nice :D But after he realized what he was on he freaked out and turned super dark and kinda layed down. It seemed like he was just trying really hard to play dead or hide from me it was bizzare. I quickly put my hand back in his enclosure and he very...
  15. linklance

    Cage Cleaning?

    I clean my chameleons poop as soon as i see it. But as far as complete cage cleanings go, how often does everyone do them? Is it neccisary to remove everything from the cage and do a thorough cleaning every once in a while? Or does minor cleaning suffice. I just dont want my little guy getting...
  16. linklance

    My new buddy!

    Haha yeah, he is still terrified of me though. He usually goes into his hiding plant when i walk by or come to put food in his cage/clean poop. All in good time! He also discovered the bottom of the cage today. Im pretty sure he is just exploring but he wandered down to the bottom like twice...
  17. linklance

    My new buddy!

    *Edit- The basking temp is in the low 80's. Not the rest of the enclosure.
  18. linklance

    My new buddy!

    @reptilelove18- Thanks! he is getting much more comfortable with his new home. He is eating very well, I caught him drinking earlier. He even got spooked and ran onto my hand today(first handling!). Does anyone know good temps for a 2.5 month old veiled? I read on the caresheet it said high...
  19. linklance

    Question on bug burger??

    Where is a good place to purchase bugburger?
  20. linklance

    My new buddy!

    So he finally ate. Yay! He moves pretty slow though is this normal?
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