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  1. F

    cage leaking.

    makes sense. any plastic materials you can think of that will match this size? I grabbed a plastic tub top. gonna see if that works, but doesn't look ideal. Panties are not is a bunch... they are actually very comfortable. J
  2. F

    free range feeding

    Any thoughts on the best place to dump the crickets to stay on the plants?. Some end up on the bottom and drown if there is a puddle or scoot into the corners of the screen. I'd like them to stay in the ficus's so my juvenile PC can hunt, which he loves to do. He also eats from my hand. I was...
  3. F

    cage leaking.

    I'm thinking I may raise it a couple inches and put a baking pan or something underneath. then drill some holes in the middle for drainage. could work. any thoughts?
  4. F

    cage leaking.

    thank you. any tips on a drainage system?
  5. F

    cage leaking.

    thanks. it's 2 bushy ficus plants to mist and the breeder suggested 5-10 minutes per mist 3 times a day. But I can try adding a 4th cycle and mist for less time. The cage just isn't designed well. It's not leaking out the screen. it's the way the bottom pvc material is secured with a gap. Even a...
  6. F

    cage leaking.

    I bought a zilla all screen 12x24x26 enclosure for my new ambilobe pc from Kammers. My mistking goes off 3 times a day for about 6 minutes per and water is just leaking out of the bottom. It's a waterproof bottom but just not sealed well. anyone else deal with this? any simple fixes? I don't...
  7. F

    proper cricket care?

    thank you. how often do you feed? do you just kind of monitor the food if it gets low.. common sense?
  8. F

    basil thyme other herbs for crickets?

    I have an herb garden with basil thyme etc. Any thoughts of including with the cricket crack, oranges etc? thanks, J
  9. F

    First feeding

    thanks. Heat ate a couple from my hand. Wasn't expecting him to do that on the first feeding. I'll just keep monitoring.
  10. F

    proper cricket care?

    I just started with my new ambilobe PC. I bought a 10 gallon cage with a screen top for crickets. i bought 100 small crickets, just dumped some cricket crack in there (no dish), threw in some beet greens, orange slices, and potato. When should I consider cleaning? when should I add more cricket...
  11. F

    First feeding

    I received Harold from Kammers yesterday (amazing little guy), let him settle then fed him this morning. I dropped 12 small crickets near him into the ficus. Most of them disappeared out of sight. He grabbed 2 that were near him, then hunted around and found maybe two more. I can't see any of...
  12. F

    feeding at night?

    thanks perfect thank you! I'll feed the little guy in the morn.
  13. F

    feeding at night?

    I just received my new Ambilobe Panther. I put him in his enclosure and he immediately started drinking from the leaves and exploring. I decided to leave him alone for the day without feeding him. Shall I feed him tonight when I return from work 7ish, or wait for the morning? Will PC's eat at...
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