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  1. Kieonii

    Picture update of Charlie

    Charlie is one handsome devil
  2. Kieonii

    Is she pregnant?

    Was she showing those colors when you got her or did that change after you hit her home?
  3. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    Hung some fake foliage from the top to give him more to hide in plus it work great to drip water from after I mist it.
  4. Kieonii

    Is she pregnant?

    Looks like she's showing her gravid colors too. From what I've read, my guess is yes. Do you know how old she is?
  5. Kieonii

    Steve takes a bath and other pics

    Super cute
  6. Kieonii

    Fertilizers for live plants in enclosures?

    The gal at my local garden shop suggested seaweed extract (natural and non toxic) then I cover the soil with LARGE stones so he can't try to eat the soil ( I have observed my guy doing that before I started covering the tops with stones)
  7. Kieonii

    Introducing MoMo

    So sweet. I love when they go after the camera when your taking pics. I have several of my guy like that. SOOO cute. What a great guy. Best valentines gift ever
  8. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    I bought them at a small plant shop in Oregon. They don't use pesticides or anything and the owner is really helpful. These are just starter size. The larger ones ranged from $15-$50. This size was perfect for my set up though
  9. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    Absolutely have to wait for the plant. Sad but true. He really loves to come out and I think he'd enjoy it. But I don't have the extra cash ( or really any for that matter, ha). Thanks. I'm pretty proud of it, it's a vast improvement from his first set up. I think ficus is a good choice. They...
  10. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    $5 each. I got 2 in there. The ladder was only $3 dollars. I have my eye on this guy next it's another strand of Ficus and it's about the size of the whole enclosure. Would like it to be Draco's out of his enclosure hang out. Unfortunately it's like $50.
  11. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    Thanks, I'm pretty excited about it. I got the ladder from Pet country. It's for birdcages. He has used it a couple of times but it's only been in there for 2 days. Just added the 2 Ficus plants today also.
  12. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    Still not done but done for now
  13. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    Yeah, my plant died. In the smaller cage is was plenty. Gonna pick up another Pothos and a Ficus. Possible an umbrella tree. The jar is for feeders. The only water in there ( not pictured) is a tiny shot glass that holds fresh kale and/ or other greens. Keeps him from eating the plant. I'll have...
  14. Kieonii

    Update on Draco

    Updated his enclosure today. it's not finished. Need to add the higher branches (gonna screw them in around the top half) Also gotta get a new plant. My Pothos died. Few too many bites taken out of it. Strangely he does not seem happy. Needs time to adjust I'm sure. Every time I open the door he...
  15. Kieonii

    Hello Everyone

    Im gonna get one on pay day. I really want to get a larger one for my living room too so he can hang out with us out of his cage.
  16. Kieonii

    Hello Everyone

    Twisty ties (from loaves of bread) helped secure some of the vines/branches in place.
  17. Kieonii

    Hello Everyone

    Yes, twice monthly is what I meant. I use my phone on here so typing doesn't always come out do good. I had my guy (Draco) for about 3 weeks. I was told his age was about 6month old. I posted a general thread about him and his care and many people on here could tell he was older then what I was...
  18. Kieonii

    Hello Everyone

    General consensus seems to be calcium without D3 daily or every other day. Multi vitamin 2monthly and calcium with d3 2-3 times monthly. My guy it turns out has MBD (had it when I got him apparently) so I got a lot of good feedback on the subject. Super cute little guy you got there. Tishri...
  19. Kieonii

    Hello Everyone

    Supplementing is way more vital then I Italy realized. I'm a fairly new veiled owner so I don't have a ton of experience :-). But that's one thing that I found. You'll need calcium (with AND without d3) as well as a multi vitamin. The more things for them to climb the better, and if your veild...
  20. Kieonii


    Ooh, Greek names would be pretty
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