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  1. waynederby

    Acclimating my juvie male veiled

    Mine ate as soon as she came
  2. waynederby

    Big Chin?

    Thanks for the info lads
  3. waynederby

    Big Chin?

    Just woke up and turned my cham lights on etc.. She has a notably 'big' chin this morning, she seems to have been yawning, stretching also.... any ideas?: It seems to be smaller now, maybe it was because she just woke up?
  4. waynederby

    Loopy sees a female for the first time:) GORGEOUS COLORS!

    Very nice. Beautiful colours :)
  5. waynederby

    First time I've seen her drinking

    :D Just seen Yoshi drinking I've never seen her drink before but she just went straight up to the dripper and had some! I feel so happy! Whooooooooooo :)
  6. waynederby

    Walking on the bottom

    Only about a month old
  7. waynederby

    Walking on the bottom

    Just got home from work and my mum said that she saw Yoshi walking on the bottom of the cage for a few seconds..... she seems perfectly okay. Maybe she was just looking for food? :o
  8. waynederby

    not for beginners...

    Wasn't looking for any info myself, just a general question to people that say it.
  9. waynederby

    waynederby's Blog

  10. waynederby


    Today, Yoshi ate her first Mealworm :) Woohooo, still won't eat out my hand though :(
  11. waynederby

    not for beginners...

    My question is, Where does a beginner begin?? A lot of people say, its not for beginners.... and maybe not so, but i'm sure many beginners have turned out to be great experienced keepers. Yes you can begin with another 'easier to look after' lizard, but if your mind is set on a cham then do...
  12. waynederby

    Sadie and the Hibiscus

    That is pretty special. Beautiful pictures also
  13. waynederby

    Carpet Chameleons - Outside pics

    These are great pictures, they look very happy :D
  14. waynederby

    Nano Reef Pictures of mine

    Very nice :cool:
  15. waynederby

    jacksonii pictures

    Great pictures!!!!
  16. waynederby

    I get back from DDing my friends

    Why don't you want him sleeping like that? He was probably quite happy with his choice of rest. If he wasn't comfortable, he wouldn't have chosen to sleep there. Surely its as simple as that?
  17. waynederby

    Naughty Yoshi on the top of her cage again

    Ahh gutted :( Will keep it and look back at it I'm sure.
  18. waynederby

    Naughty Yoshi on the top of her cage again

    The title says it all ;)
  19. waynederby

    high translucent Veiled!!!

    Beautiful :)
  20. waynederby

    I get back from DDing my friends

    I'd guess that if he was sleeping there then he must be comfortable? :confused: I wouldn't sleep somewhere thats uncomfortable.
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