Acclimating my juvie male veiled


Avid Member
Just got him yesterday morning. He is about 4 months old. I have heard that they need to "acclimate" to their new surroundings and resume their regular eating habits before you can handle them (like leopard gecko's).

Is that actually true, and how long does the acclimation take?

I put a piece of cloth over the front of the cage for a few days so he cant see us moving around and stress out.

I also placed his cage on a table so he can be higher then human eye level to make him more comfortible.
At least a couple of days with as little disturbance as possible, a week before attempting handling is best. Of course, some Chams don't take to being handled very well so just go slowly and carefully to let him dictate the pace and you won't go far wrong. Starting by offering food by hand usually helps :)
It can vary. It took my male veiled about 6 days to start eating when I first got him, But my female veiled ate the same day she came home. My male panther took 2 days, and my hoes and jax took about a day.

So, just let him be for a bit, and then try hand feeding.

Definetely offer him food. either in a cup or free ranged in the cage, but if he doesnt eat, dont freak out.

and dont freak if you dont see him drinking.

Ive owned my guys for over a year, and rarely see my veileds drink.
Thanks, when I get home i will try to hand feed him a crick.

I had put 5 cricks in a tall container last night because I saw him
going down to the floor and he flicked his tounge at something but
either he missed, or it was nothing. So at least it appears he may eat,
but I did offer him a crick by hand yesterday and he refused it.

He doesnt seem to be freaked out when I stick my hand in there

I would like to get him used to climbing on my finger willingly, so best
to start it when they are little!?
Just got him yesterday morning. He is about 4 months old. I have heard that they need to "acclimate" to their new surroundings and resume their regular eating habits before you can handle them (like leopard gecko's).

Is that actually true, and how long does the acclimation take?

I put a piece of cloth over the front of the cage for a few days so he cant see us moving around and stress out.

I also placed his cage on a table so he can be higher then human eye level to make him more comfortible.

I wouldn't cover his cage for this period. Imho I'd think once he's acclimated to his cage and u remove the cover it seems to me he'd then need time to readjust to surroundings. Recommend getting it all done at once..
Correct me if im wrong this is IMExprrience
He is eating from my hand now.
It was only the first few days he was shy.

I was just putting the cricks in and letting him find them, but stupid cricks
just fall, or jump, and end up on the floor and hide under some paper, cant get them to stay on the vines so my cham can find them!!

Now, I am hand (tong) feeding him, which is not something I want to do forever. I will make a crick feeder and see if he will use that instead!!
They all have their own character. Cannot predict. Some are shy as hell and others can't wait to be with you. You need a good eye and a bit of off the book whit to read your Cham. No matter how, certain parameters as temperature and humidity and feeding remain no matter of the character.
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