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  1. M

    some feeding suggestions...

    some good comments. thanks. if anyone else any other comments, im all ears! :D
  2. M

    some feeding suggestions...

    so my one year old Veiled, Sam is on a cricket strike. he has lost all interest in them. he will happily eat anything else i give him (meal worms, superworms, house flies when i can catch them) but he draws the line at crickets. he used to eat them happily, and then one day it seems he just...
  3. M

    just ordered my Mistking

    woohoo... im kinda excited about it too. i know, what a geek, but im tired of squeezing that water bottle trigger. so, does anyone have any suggestions for the actual install to make it easier, or how to get the best performance from it? nozel location, etc. with the increase of water...
  4. M

    age of full size?

    awesome info! thanks!!!!
  5. M

    age of full size?

    hey everyone... ok, simple question, ROUGHLY, at what age does a male and a female Veiled reach their full, adult size? my son asked me that question today, and since i am still a newbie, with both my male and female under 1 year old, i really had no answer of him. Ramon-
  6. M

    i thought my Veiled was dead...

    1st, it was almost 10:30 in the morning, and everyone was up and moving around the house at 8:00. plenty of noise to wake him up. my Beardie and my other Veiled Sam was wide awake. 2nd, i tried to wake him up by talking to him, and then by touching him because i found it so weird he was still...
  7. M

    i thought my Veiled was dead...

    have any of your had a chameleons that was so deep in a sleep you thought he was dead? i had this happen to me this past sunday, and it scared the poop outta me. i literally was trying to remove him from his sleeping branch, trying to unlock his nails from the branch. i was soooo bummed, then...
  8. M

    Question about wild chams...

    the interesting thing is that the data included here is based off of information gathered from species in non-native environments. how does the diet of the Hawaii Jacksons differ from that of their species in Tanzania or Kenya? my assumption is that they differ greatly and while the Chameleons...
  9. M

    Spawn of Satan

    first and foremost, your good lookin little stud is not the spawn of satan. how do i know? well the Spawn of Satan is a perticular woman i used to date and have an 18 year old daughter with. :rolleyes: now that we have cleared that up, i wish you luck nevertheless! :D
  10. M

    Have to open my mouth

    as a Newbie, i would like to say thank you for that gentle little reminder to those in this forum who know a lot more then us rookies. in one way or another, we are all here to learn. some are just further along then others. :cool:
  11. M

    Completely new at this

    2 Jacksons, eh? here is what i would recommend you do... pack em' both up and send them to me! i promise i will take good care of them!!! :D
  12. M

    A whole lotta pictures

    wow, he does have some great colors!
  13. M

    I swear this is getting a bit out there...

    i love my 2 Veileds but there is just something absolutley amazing about the Jacksons. maybe because it makes me imagine a little of the dinosaur period, and what it must have been like. something so tricerotops about them. i have already warned my wife, that a Jackson is in my future! i...
  14. M

    heating water for your Cham

    we seem to all have somekind of story of our Chams either loving or hating getting misted. some will just run at the site of the mister. do any of you with automatic misters heat the water for the comfort of the Chams? i hate cold water, and i hate running threw the sprinklers with my kids-...
  15. M

    jack is back!!!!!!!

    Jacks Back!!!
  16. M

    saved a Chameleon from Petco this weekend

    yea, got the Cham from Petco, but got everything else (cage, bulb, dripper, etc)from the family owned pet shop.
  17. M

    pix of Maynard

    Maynard... NICE! :cool:
  18. M

    saved a Chameleon from Petco this weekend

    i know i perpetuated the situation; guilty as charged! but my immediate concern was this specific chameleon. i can't save them all, but this one i could. i TOTALLY understand what you are saying, but i did what i felt was right- for him. it wasnt his choice to be hatched into the trade world he...
  19. M

    saved a Chameleon from Petco this weekend

    Thanks... but i was a little selfish as well. i was concerned with his health and well being, and my heart was in the right place... but i was also able to get another Cham. hey, everyone wins, right? :rolleyes:
  20. M

    saved a Chameleon from Petco this weekend

    so here i was going to Petco to get some cat food, and a new bulb for my Bearded Dragon. what do i see in the reptile section but this Veiled that had to be at least 9 months old (since he was about 3 times larger then my Veiled thats 4 months old now) just sitting in the enclosure that...
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