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    Monsoon 400 ( Exo Terra )

    Hi I have just purchased a monsoon system, and can't wait to set it up but I have found out that on our lovely little island we can't get the extra nozzles. Are they a standard ish nozzle that I could but from a hardware store or would I have to get them from your side of the pond. Hope someone...
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    should i be worried?

    I moved Terry's enclosure to the other side of the room the other day and he was climbing the walls and trying to hang on the ceiling, but he calmed down after he realised he was still in the same house.
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    Power cut

    Thanks for that I will let you know in a few months
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    Power cut

    I have my Veiled chameleon eggs in an incubator at about 72-78, but we had a power cut and the temp dropped to about 68,but I don't know how long for it might of been for a couple of hours. Are my eggs gonna be ok?
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    Dry vermiculite

    I have my eggs in small containers in an incubator. Should I have lids on them as well?
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    Dry vermiculite

    Im new to the eggs and breeding so this might be a stupid question. My vermiculite is drying out and I need to moisten it up can I just mist it and the eggs, or can I not spray the eggs?
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    2011 Best Photo

    Thanks for that I will have to dig out the camera
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    2011 Best Photo

    Can I enter next months, as I live in England or is it for North America only?
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    TODAY IS THE DAY! Female is laying eggs!

    My Veiled has just layed her eggs and I really worried about how long I should leave them, but she just got out of the bucket had something to eat and then fell asleep. So I took the eggs out then. I used tweezers instead of my fingers as I was told that grease from your fingers can contaminate...
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    They are blaptica dubia roaches my beardie's love them, and I was just wondering if my cham's would. I've never tub fed before I just always thought that they would just escape anyway. So can I convert my 2 Veileds to tub feed after a couple of years of just catching every thing. I thought it...
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    Can I leave them in the cage with my veiled chameleon over night or do I have to take them before lights out.
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    Any CAR guys here?? Drag,Show,Auto-x,Drift, etc

    This is what I drive MK1 VW Caddy with a KR engine.
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    No panic, after a little while she just climbed up and sat up under her lamp and eat a locust. And this is what found. 36 perfect and one dodgy looking eggs. Now for the wait. Thanks for the help
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    She's not really digging just patting it down. How long will they eggs be ok in the dirt. Sorry for all the questions I did my research but things never go how you expect them to go.
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    This my first time with a pregnant veiled, and its her first time laying eggs too.She has dug a hole and layed her eggs but now , 24 hours later she is still moving the dirt around. She has buried the eggs fine. Do I just leave her or move her off so I can incubate the eggs
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    What do the numbers in your signature mean again I have read it somewhere.
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    We havnt bred them yet but I would like to in the future. Need to do some more research first though
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    Ingrowing claws

    Hi I recently bought/saved a 3 year old male veiled. The previous owner had a beardy set up with not much climbing apparatus and the highest point was in the cold end and no high point under the heat lamp. He used to sleep on the floor. We have put him in a nice tall viv and he seems happier...
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    Hi everyone I'm new to the forum just thought I would say hi. Me and my girlfriend have had chameleons for about a year and half now, we have a male and a female Veiled chameleon and 3 bearded dragons. Speak to you soon eddiedwards
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