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  1. crablady

    Mist King Questions

    thanks! i figured the nozzels would all have to be on the same time.
  2. crablady

    Mist King Questions

    i hope you don't mind if i throw in my own question about this system. Since you can hook up several mist nozzels to one system, does the timer then have the ability to have some nozzels mist at different times? in other words... can i mist my chameleon a few times during the day, and then...
  3. crablady

    Baby With Back Leg Issue

    i've no experience, but best of luck to the little guy. humans born with missing limbs or deformed limbs learn live very productive lives. and use what they have since they've known no other way. so if the little guy can move around and eat, perhaps he'll do just fine.
  4. crablady

    housing two veileds togeather

    just a thought. Since it's quite a large porch. you could have each half with trees and plants with a significant space in the middle. kind of like two cages with out the screen in between. perhaps they would each stick to their own area if there is no foliage for them to climb on to cross...
  5. crablady

    Dripper Problems

    Are the brass aquarium valves more acurate than the plastic aquarium valves? i am able to get my home made version dripping at the right rate, but... i do have to keep an eye on it as it will tend to stop. if i open it right up for a sec and then turn it back down it's good for another half...
  6. crablady

    easiest to feeders to breed

    i tried for several months to get crickets to breed and had no luck (although i now have some pinheads hoping around my fat tailed gecko tank, so some one settled in there) i have started a roach colony and just waiting for the babies to come a long!
  7. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    i don't use a T nozzel but the flow control valve. it is in the aquarium section of your pet store. has two ends for attatchin tubing to, and then a turning knob on top to adjust the flow. used in aquariums for air bubbles but will also control the flow of water in the dripper. one end...
  8. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    philo has been seen on every toxic plant list i've ever seen though... if there's a chance of it being eaten then i'm not going to take a chance of one of my critters getting sick from it. it's on lists for cats and dogs and kids too..
  9. crablady


    thanks. so cut up them up bite size, even the greens? maybe this is why he was chomping on the plastic plant, its has small "bite sized" leaves!! i'll stick some fresh stuff in this morning and see what he does.
  10. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    okay dodolah, this is from the link on the link you gave me. Thanks! i am going to have to say this is a pothos. but i am much relieved to have it clarified and now i will know in the future. there is a ridge in the vine (although very faint to feel) the petioles (this is the leaf stem...
  11. crablady

    hope i've got it right now! based on this... i'm going to have to say it is a pothos. have nothing to compare it to tho to know if the leaves and stems are thinner or not!
  12. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    Stupid walmart, doesn't label plants. only as Tropical:mad: i looked on the net on how to tell the differnect and the only realy specified difference was the coloring on the leave. and this did have the lighter streaks (can't remember what it's called.) and the original pot still does. The...
  13. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    awesome... that'll be the one then!! thanks
  14. crablady

    I dont know what to think

    I hadn't thought to do this with the lights. so, do you also stagger them when they come on in the morning? the uvb a little before the basking light?
  15. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    thanks! Fortunately I've now covered the necesities of life, so the rest of the questions should cause relatively little stress (for me and him) Like.... just wondering if the cages that LLL sells have the bottom that opens for easy cleaning? this small one I bought second hand doesn't and...
  16. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    Thank you all, and yes. i have breathed a sigh of relief. Esp now that i have witness eating and drinking, which i had not done in several days. urate today looked ever so slightly yellow, but knowing he is drinking i feel confident it will be white as can be tomorrow! That is exactly...
  17. crablady


    just wondering what greens i can give him? he's about 11-12 weeks old and has been chomping at the plastic plants. i have live ones, but they're not big enough yet to reach the top so i have plastic ones for him to climb around on. Can i give him lettuce?
  18. crablady

    hope i've got it right now!

    okay.... with reference to this thread of mine, i think i have it pretty well down pat. i'm hoping i can get two thumbs up on this now. the lights have been propped up another two inches. Basking area immediatly under...
  19. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    okay... i don't know if you want the short version or the long of the Reptolife vitamins. here's the short. Guaranteed analysis min calcium 4.6%, phos .6%, potassium .3% sodium .1%, chloride 1.3%, magnesium .03%. Will try to get a pic up of my revised (improved?) setup.
  20. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    okay... will work on the gutload! re: the Reptolife multivitamin. will try to post the ingredients tomorrow. They're so tiny and i'm too tired and frustrated with ontarios medical system to try to focus right now. calcium.... have been to two stores now looking for calcium powder...
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