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  1. C

    New Adult Panther cage

    I really like the background in your setup. Did you make that part too or what?
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    I always mist a little extra when my Chams are shedding. I feel like a little extra humidity/moisture in the air eases the shedding process for the chameleon.
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    new addition

    Very pretty Cham! The next one I get will be a nosy be for sure!
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    Just purchased our 1st chameleon concerned?

    Hey I wouldn't let the info your reading stress you out too much. The fact that your doing research on females means that you will prob be able to easily avoid the dangers and complications of egg laying. I've read several stories about females only laying one clutch of eggs and even zero in...
  5. C

    My Living room setups -arcadia and jungle dawn lighting-

    What site can I get those LED lights like that from? I need something to prolong the life of my plants. Setup looks amazing too btw. I want to build something like that eventually.
  6. C

    Variety for 3 week old?

    My local petstore carries crickets, butterworms, mealworms, and superworms. I've fed all those to 3-4 month old Chams. With the superworms they would let me dig through their stock and pick out the smallest ones they had if they had some small enough. It's important that the worms are no more...
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    How do you hand feed?

    With my first Cham it took about 2 months of offering him food by hand before each feeding before he got brave enough to eat from it. From my experience worms are better for getting a Cham to eat from your hand. I've rarely had a problem with getting a chameleon to eat a superworm from my hands...
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    never ever fires up!

    I think we just have really relaxed Chams that have perhaps learned to see us as their providers and protectors, and no longer as a threat, which may be why he doesn't fire up around you.
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    Want a cham!!

    I was in a similar situation a year ago financially and what not and I really wanted a Cham. But I waited 10 months until I was up on my feet and had stability in my life before I bought my first Cham. Looking back I'm glad that I waited because I was able to spend the money on the Cham that I...
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    How often you hold your chameleon?

    I try to get my panther out everyday for about 10 to 15 minutes. But he's still kinda young and taking him out and holding him is a new concept to him so he's not completely comfortable with it so some days he's a complete grump about it and puts up a fight. I just leave him alone on those days...
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    Cage clean & shedding

    In response to your question about shedding, I have a 4.5 month old panther that I've had for 7 weeks now and I've seen him shed 4 times. I've heard that it's rare for them to shed this often but can happen. As for calcium dust covering your branches you may be dusting your feeders with too much...
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    Getting as angry Cham out of his cage???

    Wow thanks for all of the suggestions everyone, they all seem like great ideas! Ashleigh Quote: When mine was little and thought I was going to eat him, I put a silk plant in front of his cage with the door of his cage open so there were some branches going into his cage for him to climb...
  13. C

    Getting as angry Cham out of his cage???

    Well I try to clean my chams cage every 7-10 days and it's come time for it to be cleaned but I cannot get him out. He's 4.5 months old now and has developed some serious attitude recently. I tried to get him out last night but for the first time he tried to bite me and then turned almost solid...
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    Super Shedding

    My 4 mo. panther is shedding for the 4th time in 6 weeks. I didn't think that they shed nearly this often. Is this normal or abnormal? :confused:
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    Sleeping before lights out

    Thanks for the advice. I moved his lights out time back 1.5 hours and he's not sleeping before they go off now :D so I am happy/less worried about him now.
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    panther sleep routine question

    My 3 month old panther does the exact same thing. But tonight he started sleeping about 25 mins before lights out. Not sure I this is bad?
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    Sleeping before lights out

    His lights might be staying on too long. He is a little over 3 months old. Input would be great!
  18. C

    Sleeping before lights out

    I just went to wipe down the bottom of my chams cage as I usually do right before his lights turn off. I noticed that he was already sleeping. I haven't noticed him sleeping any during the day at all. Is it okay if they go to sleep a few mins early or is this still considered bad? His lights...
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    3 month old Sunfire boy

    I'm pretty jealous. My sunfire boy inst showing hardly any color. Guess hes just a late bloomer :p
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    Our journey is just beginning!

    Awesome story! I really hope that Bemis makes a strong recovery! The world needs more pets owners like yourself!
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