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  1. JennaMarie

    Moths on the loose!!!

    Oh gosh, it had to be about 2 months? I wish I'd kept track to give you a better idea. Anyone else have more experience with these and know what to expect time-wise?
  2. JennaMarie

    Moths on the loose!!!

    So a little while ago, I posted asking about horn worm cocoons and if we should feed them to our Panther Chameleon. A few suggested waiting until they hatched and feeding the moths, so we figured sure, why not! Well we had them in an open cup, and as it had been SO LONG and there was no...
  3. JennaMarie

    Horns and Roaches

    Hmmm. Ok, not sold on the pupae yet. They make me nervous! Not to mention they move in their shell which freaks me out a bit. Anyone else have any input on these! As for the roaches, they're on a warmer so they stay nice and toasty. I'll pick up some oranges this week and see if it helps them...
  4. JennaMarie

    Horns and Roaches

    Hey everyone! A couple of quick questions... We have a few horns that have turned into pupae. Are these safe for our Panther Chameleon to eat? I know the exoskeleton of supers and meal worms aren't great for their stomachs after a while, so I wanted to make sure these are safe and digestible...
  5. JennaMarie

    Silkworm question?!

    Thanks everyone! I have successfully transferred 4 cocoons to basically a brownie dish with some paper towel on it, and there are a few others spinning inside the toilet paper rolls now. I'm going to get another container with a lid so that when the moths hatch the cats can't eat them. Here's...
  6. JennaMarie

    Silkworm question?!

    Yeah I've read that link before and I just double checked... it doesn't say much about moving cocoons that spin outside the rolls. I guess I'm just unsure as I know some people place the cocoons on paper towel directly (indicating that they move them) and others leave them in the rolls. I wasn't...
  7. JennaMarie

    Silkworm question?!

    Hi everyone! So we ordered silkies a few weeks ago and as many were too big to feed, we figured what the heck, let them become moths! So I set up some toilet paper rolls in the cage, and well... only 2 made it in there. There are a few who decided to cocoon outside of the rolls. So my question...
  8. JennaMarie

    What a difference a month can make.

    He's really coming into his colors nicely, we just aren't sure why his tail isn't changing with the rest of his body...? It seems to be pretty much the same colors as he was when we got him.
  9. JennaMarie

    After one month our cage is developing nicely

    So many new hiding spaces in there! Looking good!
  10. JennaMarie

    Desperate Emergency - Can the Vet do Anything?

    I'm no vet, but that looks like rectal prolapse to me (bowel coming out of the rectum). I know you can fix it in humans, but I'm not sure about Chams. Worth a try I think. Until then, keep your humidity crazy high so his bowel doesn't dry out! :confused:
  11. JennaMarie

    Chameleon at the urate

    I read this the first time, then had to close it bc my stomach went bleck! On a more serious note, I'm going to have to go with the oops theory. I could see this looking a bit like a silkie. At least let's all hope that you don't have chameleon that has an obsession with eating its own waste...
  12. JennaMarie

    3 weeks difference

    Wow! We just watched our little guy shed for the first time (we've had him about 3 weeks also), and while our change wasn't as dramatic, it sure is a cool experience! Your little one is showing some great colors!
  13. JennaMarie


    Love those neon spots!!
  14. JennaMarie

    Meet Louie

    So cute and tiny! Congrats on your new baby!
  15. JennaMarie

    Memphis's first shed? Or just a ghost?

    Looking at all of the pictures together, he's definitely brighter now than when we got him! Can't wait to see how he continues to progress with colors and personality!! :D
  16. JennaMarie

    Containers and supplies

    Anyone have an opinion on this? I'm leaving to start looking here in a little bit and want to make sure I'm looking into the correct stuff....
  17. JennaMarie

    Containers and supplies

    Alright! I've decided to start breeding... crickets and silkies that is! I've done some research and want to make sure I've got it all right... Crickets: I'll need 3 containers: 1 for everyday cricket storage (which we already have), 1 for adults to get their groove on and lay eggs in, and 1...
  18. JennaMarie


    Thanks for posting this! I was wondering the same thing. So if we get them from outside, do we just make sure to wash them really well? I read that soap and water plus lots of rinsing helps to get all the pesticide off the plants, would this work for dandelions too?
  19. JennaMarie

    Refrigerating FOOD

    Thanks for the advice Deku! I definitely think this last batch of crickets was "well fed" as they got plenty of Romaine and Carrots. I'll keep that in mind!
  20. JennaMarie

    Refrigerating FOOD

    So from what I've seen, mealworms and phoenix worms (aka reptiworms) do well at lower temperatures, however most other things die at lower temps. So I guess the next step is to check my fridge settings, (I'm not home right now), and go from there. Hopefully my fridge will cooperate with my bulk...
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