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  1. ToExXx

    Favorite Plants?

    my vieled liked jade a whole lot.
  2. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    I ended up just going with a 5.0 bulb and down sizing the cage as a whole. thanks for advise all. :)
  3. ToExXx

    bulb for plants/cham

    Im about to build a canopy myself and was debating using VHO bulbs. I used VHO over my reef tank setup a long time and was very pleased by the quality of the bulbs. I am curious to use them over my cham enclosure.
  4. ToExXx

    VHO lighting?

    Im about to start building a canopy for my chameleons enclosure. Its an open air iguanarium? cage that measures 36x48x18. I have a chinese rose Hibiscus in the cage that I need strong enough lighting during the long wisconsin winter. I am curious if anyone else uses VHO bulbs and what sort...
  5. ToExXx

    Mercury Vapor Lamp

    I had a reptileUV metal halide bulb and it works great and animals love to get under it but it is a very strong bulb, I only had a 75w bulb over my cage and it was still to much. I was out of town for two days and the mount must have slipped or been moved and my cham got sun burned. I...
  6. ToExXx

    Large Tortoise's couldnt find a price, I saw they want like 2000$+ for a alba tort baby. yikes
  7. ToExXx

    Large Tortoise's

    if it takes them 50 years to get to mating age, I better start now. I have about as much luck to see some galop babys as I do my social security :P slim and none lol
  8. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    I was using a repti5.0 tube UV bulb and my chameleon had crusty/sore eyes, Id remove the light and in 2 days his eyes would heal. Concluded it was photo-kerato-conjunctivitis. Heres a link about the study about it. Most of the study was done...
  9. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    My reasoning is that you would want to replicate the natural sun as close as possible. And I am able to do that with the reptileuv product. The cage is 48x36x24 with a tall ficus to climb on combined with vines and then the lower area is a ficus and a jade.
  10. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    I live in wisconsin, USA. Where are you from?
  11. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    the 3rd post in I said I was using a maetal halide UV/heat bulb :p
  12. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    Its kewl guys, I know that last thing anyone want to see is a sick cham, as far as why I dont like tubes ,the tube bulbs are supposedly only good for 3 months and the metal halide for 2years+ so its a bit of money saved and one burned his eyes a bit, and I used to do saltwater reefs, 150g and a...
  13. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    yes it is.
  14. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    I guess you guys never heard of retileuv before. Or tried their products. Ive been using it for a 4 months and my cham is very healthy.
  15. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    I know about UV,D3, lighting ect., reason I started the thread was to see what other people are running. There are a few options beside the tubes, there VHO's and plus beside a UV bulb you should fill the whole spectum out, which would work for LED setups or who knows. I know with the LED setup...
  16. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting theres the study on the reptileuv bulb, the tube floreceant gave my cham photo-kerato-conjunctivitis, which is why I looked for the better bulb.
  17. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    the reptileuv metal halide is supposed to be the best bulb on the market + my cham is magnatized to it.
  18. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    It was a 5.0 tube. Once I got rid of it every thing is perfect.
  19. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    na they are just 6.5k bulbs to fill in the rest of the spectrum and add more light to his cage, plus they will keep his plants growing.
  20. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    its the vieled in the picture and its an open cage so it doesnt get to hot. Metal halide only get to 87-88ish in the bask spot and the ambient air in in the mid to upper 70's. This bulb is way better than the floreceant I had, the 5.0 bulb was burning my chams eyes. Theres a couple good...
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