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  1. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    I got 2 florescent 6.5k bulbs and a 70w metal halibe UV/heat bulb. And a ceramic heater.
  2. ToExXx

    Chameleon Lighting

    What do you guys run for lighting on you setups?
  3. ToExXx

    Large Tortoise's

    I got my guy as a hatchlin, cost me 100$. Where can I get a galapogos? Im just curious if there is actually a place to get them. Ive thought about doing a tortoise rescue someday after I get some land. I think a galapagos breeding center would be a nice job :) My sulcata like to play. He is a...
  4. ToExXx

    Large Tortoise's

    I have a Sulcata thats about 6-7 now and he is wonderful. Comes when I call him, begs to go outside during the summer. He like to play and tries to hang out with our dogs. Just curious if anyone else has any large tortoise's. Does anyone know what the largest species a person can get a hold...
  5. ToExXx

    Chameleon with a personality

    Id have to say its a combination of individual personality, trained behavior, and the animals ability to sense genuine compasion from its owner. Just like dogs they can sense when somone isnt worthy, in my opinion.
  6. ToExXx

    my chameleon constantly falls

    Also I would get rid of what looks to be a plastic plant in his cage. Honestly I would get him a much bigger cage, with live plants. I dont mean to sound like I am placing judgement or anything like that against you, I know sometimes reading my writings can sound like I am a dick, I kind of...
  7. ToExXx

    my chameleon constantly falls

    My guess is a combination of scurrvy(lack of vitamins) and lack of proper UV. UV doesnt just convert calcium but it also stimulates thier immune system be active. If this was my animal this is what I would do, but remeber I have only seen a 20 second long video and Im on the other side of the...
  8. ToExXx

    What is your Chameleons favorite plant to eat?

    I guess nobodies chams eat plants????????
  9. ToExXx

    Where are yall getting your ficus's?

    I bought my plant a Milegers, A pair of scissors cuts them down to size.
  10. ToExXx

    What is your Chameleons favorite plant to eat?

    Harold prefers his Jade tree. He also nibbles on the christmas cacti a bit. Oh and he has eaten the leaves of a bing cherry tree also but that was actually when I took the picture I use for my profile.
  11. ToExXx

    Is my Veiled Chameleon a little on the skinny side???

    pet stores are death traps, you wouldnt trust you life to a sugeon who only made min wage would you?
  12. ToExXx

    Help With New Baby Chameleon

    If your worried about hydration give him a steam bath or let him hangout on towel rack if you get shower really steamy like I do, just make sure he doesnt get laser'd with a bead of hot water, from my limited exp my cham specially when he was young would eat alot and sit a couple days before...
  13. ToExXx

    I think UPS opened and inspected a box I sent out

    wow 26 more packages, I suppose dont order any chams from the homeland.
  14. ToExXx

    I think UPS opened and inspected a box I sent out

    nevermind I read up more..
  15. ToExXx

    Found a Bat...

  16. ToExXx

    Found a Bat...

    Im glad you let them stay for the winter, probly best to let him stay with his communal group. If anything u wont have to worry about bugs in your attic. very humane :) plus killing it isnt very nice since they eat all the things we as humans hate, mosquitos, moths, junebugs
  17. ToExXx

    Help With New Baby Chameleon

    can u explain the setup you are using ect?
  18. ToExXx

    Please Help, Fischer's Chameleon Enlosure/Diet Questions!

    wikipedia dont got anything on them except they get 18inches long. literally :P
  19. ToExXx

    Please Help, Fischer's Chameleon Enlosure/Diet Questions!

    there is a sea slug and a tree rat with the same name. kewl lookn cham tho, how big they get? Long lived?
  20. ToExXx

    Please Help, Fischer's Chameleon Enlosure/Diet Questions!

    aww and he slips in the vielded cham bash;p dont hate , propagate:)
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