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  1. ToExXx

    Chameleon shipment in US

    One day and I hope Im wrong, most chameleons and basically all animals that are sensitive to habitat change will only exist in captivity, it was something we started to experience in the fish trade. Sort of a double edge sword when it comes to conservation. Promoting education is really key...
  2. ToExXx

    Need Help With Supplementaion.

    What would the symptoms be of overdosing the vitamins? Of course extreme would be dehydration and death but are there other symptoms that are noticable well before that?
  3. ToExXx

    Chameleon shipment in US

    Kinda off subject but I used to order my saltwater fish and corals online and they would ship from california to my house in wisconsin, Fedex was pretty good about it getting them here in about 22-24hours total ship time. Some of the species I had were flashlight fish, jellyfish, hard and soft...
  4. ToExXx

    Found a Bat...

    He probly was going to hibernate in ur attic:P Might be easiest to just put him back and let him be as long as your not affraid of bats and he isnt pooping up the place, but if he is indeed hibernating his metabolism should be so low that he doesnt make a mess. Nature usually does best when we...
  5. ToExXx

    Chameleon with a personality

    btw, you guys' have awesome chams.
  6. ToExXx

    Chameleon with a personality

    Harold my vieled likes to go on trips. He likes to sit on my shoulder and enjoys the view, but with that said he definately doesnt like to be manipulated like a cat or guinea pig or somthing like that, but car rides on the passenger side head rest to go get food and sun he enjoys. He also...
  7. ToExXx

    tumor? deformity?

    whats the link for the ad for this animal? Ill get a hold of this person and tell them how I really feel.:mad:
  8. ToExXx

    tumor? deformity?

    you guys are much nicer than I, personally I hope whoever did this to that creature burns in hell with a pineapple up thier backdoor. As far as my guess I would imagine it to be a burn or a bite of some kind that got infected and became a cancerous cyst, perhaps Im wrong and it is a defect but...
  9. ToExXx

    What is wrong with flukers gut load?

    My cham really loved the hornworms I got him, I wish I had it on video because he basically ran(in his fasion) up to it and eye balled it real good and close as if to be thinking ( holy cow look at this !!!!) He also enjoys food that wiggles and fights back a bit, Ive been considering pinky...
  10. ToExXx

    Sunny day, what's lowest temp to take outside?

    For my veiled I only bring him out if the air temp is in the 60's+ and only if the sun is warm enough to stand outside without a shirt on since that what your cham is doing, if you have something dark in color you usually can gauge how warm the radiance of the sun will get. Its probly best not...
  11. ToExXx

    Safe trees to use?

    Have I gone through and tested each one? obviously not, but a simple rule is make sure its non toxic and not sappy, ficus juice is an eye irritant but as long as your not breaking off branches and rubbing them into his eye you shouldnt have much issue.
  12. ToExXx

    Safe trees to use?

    In my cage I got 2 ficus and a Jade, the jade he likes to eat as evident by the V bites out the the leaves. the 2 ficus I use are a bengamin and a pothos, the bengamin he has had since he was a baby and the pothos for about 3.4-4 months, He doesnt eat the ficus's, hes a list of some cham...
  13. ToExXx

    For everyone who KNOWS you can't keep chams in glass

    Nice Nice post, Ive had people on other forums get downright hostlie and insulting about this topic. When I first got my cham I convert my 90g fish tank into a terraruim,not perfect but it worked, this was from the beginning only a temp measure, I filled it with live plants and was able to let...
  14. ToExXx

    Hi Im new here

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone, I have been lookin around and see that alot of posters on this forum have very nice lookin friends and I hope get to know some poeple and exchange ideas and pics. Ive been into exotics since I was able to work and buy them. Im sort of an eccentric person...
  15. ToExXx

    Cup feeding n00b

    the cup I use is a small tupperware, about 4inches across by 2 inches deep and I have it mounted about 3/4 high in his cage.
  16. ToExXx

    Cup feeding n00b

    cup feed Ive cup feed my cham since I moved him into his adult cage. As it is an open air cage it isnt practical to have crickets escaping, I rotate a mix of bugs. Superworms are the main diet, followed by meal worms, wax, de-legged crickets, then for a wildcard I get silkworms and...
  17. ToExXx

    Still worry about dehydration/ eye thing, posting pics

    My chameleon had crusty eye issues for a while and it was worrying me because he drank almost daily. After some research found out it was photo-kerato-conjunctivitis cause by the reptisun bulb I using. I switched to a metal halide bulb and it was an instant improvement. Of course everyone...
  18. ToExXx

    I think UPS opened and inspected a box I sent out

    kinda off subject but UPS (employee) stole my PS3 when I had to send it in to be fixed, I was an origional backwards compatible ones, luckily for me the place that recieved the empty box signed off as they recieved it so they ended up being responsible for it. Dont use UPS at all costs.
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