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  1. surfer721

    Looking For new Viv?

    Hi, Im looking for a new,bigger viv for my veiled chameleon. Reply for any sized just say the dimensions and the price. Thanks Josh, PS. Uk Only
  2. surfer721

    Best substrate for Yemen/Veiled Chameleon?

    Hi, I was just wondering what substrate everyone uses and which one everyone thinks is best ? Josh :)
  3. surfer721

    Selling : 38 Gallon Flexarium.

    Hi, I am selling a 38 gallon with the dimensions 42 x 42 x 76cm (16.5 x 16.5 x 30inches) Here is a picture... The flexarium has not been used, but the box is wrong. it says 22 gallon but it is acctually 38 gallon. Thanks, Josh
  4. surfer721

    Wooden Viv ?....

    Hi, I was wondering if anybody knows where to get good wooden vivs from or if they have one for sale? If so what dimensions and what price ? Thanks, Josh:confused::D
  5. surfer721

    *Post Your Chameleons*

    My Nearly a year old Veiled chameleon
  6. surfer721

    citrus plants

    I have searched the internet and there is no evidence that fruit trees can be poisonous to chams ... But i would not beleive all of the internet... :confused:
  7. surfer721

    panther chameleon not eating :O

    Yeah, i had this problem with my Veiled chameleon for the first day or so but after she settled she was fine eating. This should be the same with yours :D
  8. surfer721

    Plant Help!

    Thanks, that had everything i needed to know!:)
  9. surfer721

    Plant Help!

    I am thinking of getting some more plants or (a small bonsai like)tree for my chameleon to go on... But I am unsure of what plants to get as I don't know what plants could be poisonous to her. could anyone please help. Thanks, Josh
  10. surfer721

    Shes started hissing at me !

    Okay thanks
  11. surfer721

    Shes started hissing at me !

    Will she stop doing this when she gets older ?
  12. surfer721

    Shes started hissing at me !

    My Veiled Chameleon has started hissing at me when i get too near to her. This is odd because she usually likes me picking her up and comes to the glass and tries to come out when i am there. Does anybody have an idea of why she has started hissing at me ?? Thanks
  13. surfer721

    What's your cham's name...

    What are your chameleons name(s)? What are your chameleons names ?
  14. surfer721

    Reptile pets...not chameleons

    Woah yeah yhat corytophanes hernadezii (helmeted iguana/forest chameleon) is really nice.
  15. surfer721

    Help on My Chameleon

    oops sorry its a female. its because in the shop they said it might be a male but its too young to tell then i just found out its a female.
  16. surfer721

    Yet More Baby pics!

    Nice pictures!
  17. surfer721

    Help on My Chameleon

    I Just picked her up and she didnt want to go back into his cage is it because she wants to explore or for another reason ?
  18. surfer721

    Help on My Chameleon

    Hi, My Chameleon just started coming on to the floor and walking up to and along the glass front is this normal or does she want anything ? Josh
  19. surfer721

    New Female Veiled Chameleon

    I have a New Female Veiled Chameleon but i dont have any ideas for names, Could you please post some suggestions. Thanks
  20. surfer721

    Pictures of My New Veiled Chameleon

    It is beech chips. what shall i change the substrate to ?
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