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  1. Rosemond

    Weird Behavior

    Yea. I gotcha I bought mine the same way this was my cage when I got it and he was acting the same as yours is then I did this and now he is acting fine
  2. Rosemond

    Weird Behavior

    Mine had the same issue what does his cage look like can to post a pic ..
  3. Rosemond

    Dobby eating

  4. Rosemond

    Dobby eating

    I'm not gonna lie I videoed then screen shot but thanks for the compliments
  5. Rosemond

    On the face

    I held an adult when I went to look lol he poked me in the eye lol
  6. Rosemond

    On the face

  7. Rosemond

    Dobby eating

    Was eating off my hand lol
  8. Rosemond

    Donny's first shed

    I meant to put dobby lol stupid auto correct !
  9. Rosemond

    Donny's first shed

  10. Rosemond

    Preshed attitude ..?

    Well earlier he was a dark green with black specs soo Idk I tried to feed him meal worms today and that's when it started I gave him crickets instead and he seemed fine .. Soo idk
  11. Rosemond

    Preshed attitude ..?

    He was a lot darker earlier now he seems fine a slight dark ness but not much The left is his usual color
  12. Rosemond

    Preshed attitude ..?

    I think he is started to shed I see a little but if skin flakes .. And he's super dark is that okay ?
  13. Rosemond

    Chameleon is only dark when in cage ? What's wrong ??

    Oh another question he won't eat mealworms out of my hand or a cup will he eventually ? Or should I stick to crickets ?
  14. Rosemond

    Chameleon is only dark when in cage ? What's wrong ??

    got an umbrella plant but can't fit it anywhere lol
  15. Rosemond

    Chameleon is only dark when in cage ? What's wrong ??

    Couldn't have done it with out you guys !!!! Thanks !
  16. Rosemond

    Chameleon is only dark when in cage ? What's wrong ??

    Does this look better ?
  17. Rosemond

    Chameleon is only dark when in cage ? What's wrong ??

    What plants are in there ?
  18. Rosemond

    Chameleon is only dark when in cage ? What's wrong ??

    I have a live plant but I am going to get some more thanks for the help I will definitely will use the advice
  19. Rosemond

    Chameleon is only dark when in cage ? What's wrong ??

    I'm getting food for him I will post in about an hour
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