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  1. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    i tried to post some that i put up before but it wont let me. its under (digging help) another post, cause when she started digging it scared me. but i found out latter it was ok
  2. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    I was told she is only like 4 to 8 weeks, but idk how old she is. she is still tiny, to young to lay.
  3. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    no she is not old enough to lay yet, she is still a baby. but likes playing in the dirt. i have heard they do that to look for food too, but its always in the same spots. she is not nesting, just looks like a lil dog digging:D
  4. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    thank you, very much
  5. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    I have also heard a carpet linner too so crickets cant hide. but their toes might get stuck.
  6. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    the petco has me using choco dirt stuff, and she gets down and digs in it like a lil kid. I looked it up and it said it was fine. but she will get dirty, most of the time she gets the dirt off herself. but i found info that said if they do get dirty to clean them real gentle with a q-tip and...
  7. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    also what is best to have in the bottom of their cage? i have heard everything from choco fiber, lil bark, news paper, paper towles. she is doing well it what she has but I dont want her to get impacted:confused:
  8. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    few, I WAS VERY WORRIED, but then I relized it was her bed time and she normaly dose the same this everyday and night. thats so good to hear though.:D
  9. lilDucky

    Idk if I should be worried

    last night my huband took my cham out and was cleaning her, I came in and took over. after she was clean she fell asleep on my finger. I was worried cause she has never done that before. and her tummy was big. I tried to stay calm but could not help but cry after I put her in her cage and she...
  10. lilDucky

    Milly With Attitude !!

    so cute so cute:D maybe one day day she will want one, but tell her they are bad for your butt :D
  11. lilDucky

    How many crickets to feed a Jackson per day

    He is beautiful, with his size youll be able to but more food in no time. mines is only like 4 to 8 weeks, and she is going through a digging stage right now like a lil kid. gotta love them, well best of luck to you and friend me if you have any more questions. have a great day:)
  12. lilDucky

    How many crickets to feed a Jackson per day

    do you have a petco or anything by you? they can sell you crickets, you want them gut loaded meaning they ate food and are full. and they will dust them for you too, plus they are already fed. i found its cheaper just to run to the store every 2 days and get about 10. then give her 5 one day and...
  13. lilDucky

    How many crickets to feed a Jackson per day

    i have a baby cham and they said to feed her 5 a day to start out, and to put a mealworm bowl out with about 5 to 8 in there. just so they have food. if he is tiny do not put to many crickets in there, they will gang up and attack you new lil guy. watch what he is eating and go from there. you...
  14. lilDucky

    Veiled Chameleon not eating crickets

    dont feed him small lizards. you could also make him sick from the bacteria the lizard has on it and you impact him.
  15. lilDucky

    Digging, Help

    Ahh, sometimes I think she thinks she is a person. she knows who mommy is and always wants to come out and sit with me. do they normaly pick a fav person. cause she loves me and trys to even blend to whaterver color im wearing. but she dont like my husband as much. sometimes shell even get mad...
  16. lilDucky

    Digging, Help

    and i guess i should stop calling it dirt, its that cham choco fiber, that they said was ok for them
  17. lilDucky

    Digging, Help

    well thats good to know, I thought she was younger than that. Ill get the dirt out. she dont eat the dirt just diggs. but i dont want anything to happen to her. I thought she was to small to be that old
  18. lilDucky

    Digging, Help

    for some reason this didnt load the first time. but thats how big she is
  19. lilDucky

    Digging, Help

    here are a couple pics of her
  20. lilDucky

    Digging, Help

    She is very active still and i thought maybe she was digging at one point cause a worm got loose, i got her from petco and i talked to the manager to find out her age and thats what he told me. But she is really small to be that old. most pics I see of lil chams her size are only like 9 weeks. I...
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