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  1. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    That'd be easy! Can you connect it to any lights?
  2. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    By the way I'm trying to elevate my cages. Right now they're just sitting on 18 gal storage containers and I know they should be higher. Any ideas as to what could hold the weight of a tank and be higher up? I'm going thrift store hunting to maybe find an end table or something but nothing seems...
  3. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    Okay, thanks guys! By chance how would one keep that many crickets exactly? (I'm not a huge fan of the little guys. They get out and it's an automatic reflex to squish them.) And I let the crickets out and can't tell how many he's actually eaten or not, but when I wake up he's still alive and...
  4. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    Ordered 50 baby silkworms with food so hopefully he'll want some of those.. From what I've read they're pretty much irresistable to chams. Hope it works! Right now it's lights out so I can't tell if he ate anything or not, I'll post on here tomorrow if he has. :)
  5. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    Okay thanks so much!!
  6. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    Okay, how many silkworms do you think I should order? And I want to take him out SO badly! But thank you, Tropical Storm Lee, it's been pouring here the last two days, but I planned on taking him outide.
  7. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    And any silkworm will work? Or does it have to be a specific kind?
  8. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    haha okay thanks so much. I don't think silkworms are supposed to be used as a staple, though, so any recommendations for right now? I don't even know if the vet could do anything about that. :/
  9. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    By the way where do you order your silkworms from?
  10. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    Yes, I know for sure it is UVB light, but it's not a tube light like I've been reading these last few days. :/ They are two indifivudal bulbs on either side of the case (the tank came with an exo terra hood). So i know I'm going to have to adjust his lighting. And all the pet stores around here...
  11. litahudak

    Worrying :/

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Veiled male approx. 2 months. Had him since the 30th of August. Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Handled him twice since I got him and not since the 1st...
  12. litahudak

    Is everything okay?

    Just double checking that everything looks okay with the little guy. I've had him since the 30th of last month and was told to not worry if he doesn't eat for about a week or so. He doesn't seem to understand the concept of cup feeding so I released a couple into his cage and I can't really tell...
  13. litahudak

    Firing up?

    He just finished shedding. I felt so bad because he looked so miserable, but alas, not many more colors. I figure it may have happened also from the stress of being shipped. I'm really waiting to see when he sheds and he gets some of those colors like yours has when fired up. Right now he's just...
  14. litahudak

    Firing up?

    Haha, yes, he is a veiled. He's about 2 months old and a huge 4 inches and decides because I woke him up he was gonna be grumpy and let me know lol. And yours is gorgeous! Mine doesn't have that much color yet because he's so little.. Hopefully within a few months, though!
  15. litahudak

    Firing up?

    So.. I think what my little guy just tried to do was firing up. He's all of about 4 inches in length, but when I opened his tank to mist him this morning he looked inflated and got dark green bars and (everyone calls it hissing) what I can best describe as huffing at me.. I think he was supposed...
  16. litahudak

    Baby Cham hasn't eaten in 2 days

    The crickets are the tiniest size I've been able to find, 1/3. They're really little. I figure he's still getting used to his cage and may be a little woozy from the plane ride but I'd still think that he'd get hungry. So should I just leave them in there or take the crickets out?
  17. litahudak

    Baby Cham hasn't eaten in 2 days

    He was shipped to me 2 days ago and still hasn't eaten. I have 5 crickets in a cup and they haven't disappeared.. Should I just let them loose? He looks at them and notices them but I don't understand how he can't be hungry when he hasn't eaten for 2 days. He's about 2 mo old male veiled.
  18. litahudak

    New baby boy :)

    Hey guys! Just wanted to show some pics of my new baby veiled. The reptile store didn't specify his age but he's pretty small and last time I got one from them the same size she was around 6week to two months. Anyhow, he's finishing his shedding and hopefully will get some color as he grows :)...
  19. litahudak

    New veiled baby boy shedding!

    I'd say somewhere in there. Tail included he's only about 4 inches. I hope he shows some later. When I got my female his size she showed quite a bit more color so I was just curious.
  20. litahudak

    New veiled baby boy shedding!

    So I just got my little guy shipped to me! I've never gotten one through shipment, though. From what I've read I just need to mist him and the cage really well to make sure he's not dehydrating. When I took him out I noticed he's a really dull color but he's also shedding. What are the chances...
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