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  1. BKO Overdrive

    Let me draw your babies!(I need a heater)

    Hey art is what you make of it, Id hang it over the cage.
  2. BKO Overdrive

    What live plants for terarium?

    I had a money tree but i was told they were not on the safe list. However my girl never ate it. That one did last a long time
  3. BKO Overdrive

    The horrible wholesale!

    This is what is happening to me but with a jackson at petco, ive seen them kill 4 panthers and a few veilds. This is there first Jackson and i was told "there just like the other kinds" As soon as i heard that i spoke with the manager and told him if he understood what they had. He offered me to...
  4. BKO Overdrive

    Jacksons Cham Prep

    I was shocked how he walked right up to me when i got closer, he just looked and observed me, hopefully no one gets him and he doesnt get looked at to much, He really hiding and not to much in the open, he looks healthy from what i can tell and hes a bright beautiful green
  5. BKO Overdrive

    Jacksons Cham Prep

    @Andee Okay thank you very much you have been a huge help, ill make sure to take pictures and tag you in it
  6. BKO Overdrive

    Jacksons Cham Prep

    @Andee thats why im trying to quickly get him out of there, I asked them if they knew exactly what that way and the "reptile employee" thats always there when i go said its "another chameleon" I mist him at the end of the day and in the morning. When i bent down to see him cause they have him at...
  7. BKO Overdrive

    What's this with my crickets...?

    haha Ill need too, its was to watery i think
  8. BKO Overdrive

    Jacksons Cham Prep

    @Andee I forgot to mention the Jackson they have at Petco is a baby, hes small, about the size of maybe a thumb and a half, looks to be 2-3 months old. figured when he got older I would put him in the XL cage and move my girl into a Large Cage. The medium is 16x16x30 the large is 18x18x36 so i...
  9. BKO Overdrive

    Jacksons Cham Prep

    Okay so ive been on here for a few months and have learned a large amount of info on here, more than any one person could give me. I currently have one Female Veiled, shes doing great and she is because of this places wealth of knowledge and the members here. But back to the main question.....Is...
  10. BKO Overdrive

    What live plants for terarium?

    Thanks @Andee Ill get one of those, have a specific place that sells them? Or any recommendations?
  11. BKO Overdrive

    What live plants for terarium?

    Ive only seen my girl really munch on Hibiscus, she LOVES hibiscus, I always see bite marks our of teh leaves. But like stated above I can never ake them last more than two weeks. Im know for a fact im doing something wrong.
  12. BKO Overdrive

    What's this with my crickets...?

    Idk why but i did this exact same thing, froze the cubes. Then i would drop the cube in the container. the crikets would just stare it it, then when it would cool off and melt they would drown in the sludge from trying to eat it lol.
  13. BKO Overdrive

    What live plants for terarium?

    What kind of grow light do you recommend? I was also watering the plants to, and they still died, i rearranged my cage and my girl is starting to get used to it but now everything is dying :(
  14. BKO Overdrive

    What live plants for terarium?

    I have not, do they grow big? the way i have mine setup is I have two pathos on the top draped over all around the vines, then i try to put one big plat in the center such as a large habiscus, She eats the leaves (Viel) but the plant dies so fast cause its a very sun rich plant, i just recently...
  15. BKO Overdrive

    What live plants for terarium?

    I honestly cant keep my plants alive, i have to change them once a month, the only things that dont die are the pathos, there like the tanks of plants. I need to find a good ficus
  16. BKO Overdrive

    What's this with my crickets...?

    i have cricket crack but do you guys add water to it or use it as a dry gutload?
  17. BKO Overdrive

    Dark brown spots

    Yes I agree, ive given my girl calcium every day (she is a vieled), grant it she is a female so she needs it more. But shes doing great, I gave her calcium with d3 on the first sunday, vitamins the 2nd sunday, then d3 the 3rd sunday then back to viatmanins the 4th sunday....rinse and repeat.
  18. BKO Overdrive

    Today may be the day....

    Ill have to monitor mind, ive had the sand box in there for a long time, but i havnt seen her go down
  19. BKO Overdrive

    Today may be the day....

    My girl is still eating, she lost her receptive colors, but she just hangs out under her basking light all day now, she no longer crawls all over the cage
  20. BKO Overdrive

    Gnat type bugs in cage

    True, i do have left over sand from having a laying bin, Im going to redo her cage this weekend. The plants in there now are getting rough. She was receptive so i didnt want to change her stuff up to much so she can be comfortable with it when she lays but i had one gnat, now i have two and i...
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