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  1. L

    Are these colours normal?

    Well ok Mr Grumpy I won't weigh you! I will put some more of your pics on the forum though, you can't stop me doing that! I am pretty sure he is not too skinny. He has quite a paunch from some angles. Am still worried he's a bit dark. It's hard to keep the humidity up just by spraying, the...
  2. L

    Are these colours normal?

    Could try weighing him tomorrow on the kitchen scales. It's 23.40 here in the uk and he is asleep.I don't think he is thin, he is eating well. About 8 4th locusts a day, they are quite big. You can only see his ribs when he sucks himself in and and makes himself skinny. Will weigh him tommorrow...
  3. L

    Are these colours normal?

    Thanks for your advice. He was a lot greener and prettier to be honest six months ago. Don't really care wot colour he is as long as he is not unhappy.
  4. L

    Are these colours normal?

    Karma my male veiled chameleon is just over a year old now. I have attached a picture taken a few days ago. He is eating and drinking well and has normal poop (black and white) now I have resolved the hydration problems. Do the colours get more dull as they become older or is he still seriously...
  5. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Will do, he has eaten better today, about 6 crickets and less wobbling, thanks so much for everyone's advice. I WILL make him better!!
  6. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Has only taken 3 crickets today and seems to have trouble chewing and swallowing. :( Would dehydration cause this? Am still spraying 3 x day and humidity doesn't drop below 80. UVB has been replaced. He is still a bit dull but colour looks much better than it was. He has pooped today, orange at...
  7. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    New 5.0 UVB purchased and installed. He's still at the top of his viv instead of hiding away. Bit lighter in colour. How long will it take for him to rehydrate and hopefully fully recover? Misting 3 x a day and watching the hydrometer like a hawk!
  8. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Progress this morning I think. He has taken 7 crickets, was less wobbly with each one he ate. He looks a lot more assertive with his tongue. Humidity showed 80 before I sprayed, gave him a good soaking and he went straight up to drink the drops off the ceiling. Off to the shops later to get the...
  9. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Only does the wobbly closed eye thing when he has stuck his prey and trying to chew it. Will do everything I've said I will do and keep my fingers crossed for improvement. Spose I can't do anything more than that but can't help feeling I have let him down making him poorly in the first place.
  10. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Just a thought- the blood pressure thing. I work in a hospital as a healthcare assistant and know that low blood pressure makes u dizzy. Got a list of things to do tomorrow to get him sorted (hopefully) as mentioned above and fingers crossed. Love him lots even though he is grumpy and not in the...
  11. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Crickets have got apple and carrot at moment, have day off tomorrow so will forage in the garden for some dandelion leaves and try and find some mustard greens at the supermarket. Will also buy live plant for viv tomorrow and try and buy a replacement uv bulb. Is the bigger bottom jaw a problem...
  12. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Have given him and his viv 3 massive soakings today with the spray bottle. Seems to be spending more time at the top of his viv like he used to but has spent some time hiding in his foliage halfway down the viv. Has taken 2 crickets today so far today, will try again later as this is poor, he...
  13. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Thermostat probe thingy is at the top of his viv, set at 82. Thermometer is on the carpet at the bottom and reads 70. Will get a new uv bulb asap as suggested.
  14. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Lol he doesn't much like have his photo taken and hissed at me and darked right up. However he is much darker than he used to be all of the time apart from when he is asleep. He is asleep when I turn his uv off at night and is asleep in the morning when I turn it back on, no idea if he sleeps...
  15. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Will also get a hydrometer and a live plant, thanks guys, keep your fingers crossed for us.
  16. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Have managed to upload some more - getting good at this. Thanks for your advice guys. Have taken everything on board, have misted him for ages today twice. Have chucked out the broccolli, chopped up some apple and carrott. He looks a better colour and has spent less time hiding in amongst the...
  17. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    OMG I think I've done it! The first picture shows him looking healthy in his 2ft by 2ft viv. I have tried to show his elbow and knee in the next two.
  18. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Can't flipping do it!!!! So frustrating.:mad: Did everything you said but the photos don't seem to be there. I know thay are coz I saw them on here last night! Hubby at work now, I work shifts and finish at 9.30 uk time. Will leave him a note begging him to do this whilst I am at work. Sorry...
  19. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Will get hubby to do it tomorrow, I promise!
  20. L

    Has my beloved Karma got MBD?

    Do I need to get a fogger Charlton? thanks for everybody's help!
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