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  1. tatz4ever

    Bruchid Bean Beetles

    Maybe the morning crowd will know?
  2. tatz4ever

    Bruchid Bean Beetles

    I was given a culture today. I know nothing about them. Anyone know about cultivation, nutritional value, etc? Thanks, James
  3. tatz4ever

    I need help quickly in North East Pennsylvania (Poconos)

    Thanks all! I am trying to avoid an overnight shipping charge. I have a lead for tomorrow, I should have them then. If anyone else local has any, let me know. I want to get a bunch of them. Thanks, James
  4. tatz4ever

    I need help quickly in North East Pennsylvania (Poconos)

    Is there any one in my area (Bushkill, PA 18324) that has producing Hydei Fruit Fly cultures they can sell to me? I have 11 baby veiled chameleons that NEED food. My cultures have stopped producing and the culture I bought that was seeded on 3/28 has not produced any flies.:mad: They ate this...
  5. tatz4ever

    Hybrid mister? Anyone

    I am running one AquaZamp mist head on my Monsoon for a Red Eye Tree Frog tank. I upgraded to AquaZamp and did not want to just get rid of my Monsoon. I have been running this since January and have not seen any problems. it creates a very fine mist, similar to my AquaZamp system. The mist heads...
  6. tatz4ever

    Endless Misting Water Supply

    Nice auto top off system!
  7. tatz4ever

    Need suggestions for my little ones

    I had baby veileds hatch out on Mar 10th and the next few days after. They have been really going after the fruit flies like champs. Here is my dilemma: my producing culture is no longer producing and the cultures I made are no where near ready. PetSmart had cultures with maggots only (no...
  8. tatz4ever


    I just saw a few of them shooting out the tongue for food. I have seen this with my big boys so many times, but I was amazed watching this tiny baby shoot a tongue nearly as long as its body for the first time! The fruit flies are so small, it hardly seems worth the effort. BTW: one more...
  9. tatz4ever

    What should I do?

    Jackson's do give birth to live babies. Make sure you have a supplier of fruit flies line up in advance. It wouldn't hurt to start your own cultures. I just learned this lesson the tough way when I found 10 baby veileds yesterday! Get an enclosure ready for the little buggers! Enjoy! They are...
  10. tatz4ever

    Just Breed

    Cham porn! :eek:
  11. tatz4ever


    Laurie: I do have them all set up on a dowel play gym that I built, thanks to your help. PetSmart had a bad selection of fruit flies, but I bought 2 cultures, few flies right now, but tons of maggots! I have a friend driving to me right now to bring me fruit fly cultures that he makes, with...
  12. tatz4ever


    That is the one I was looking for! Thanks coldbloodedAl! I hope my enclosure comes out close to the ones Seeco makes, and give him the credit he is due! Heading out for materials now. James
  13. tatz4ever


    I need help: Here is a quick back story: Back in August '11, when I purchased Gonzo from ruru, she gave me 20 veiled eggs that she could not take with her on her move. No idea if they were viable or not, but I kept them set up and hope for the best. About 2 1/2 months ago, my 8 year old...
  14. tatz4ever

    People in Pennsylvania?

    I am in the Poconos. Bushkill 18324. I would love to meet someone nearby to split up some feeder orders.
  15. tatz4ever

    incubator\ pros\ and\ cons?

    why/ are/ you/ typing/ like/ this/ ???/
  16. tatz4ever

    Best misting system.?

    I own an AquaZamp and throw my support behind it. Very similar systems, but AquaZamp is Made in the USA!!! You get a 4 gallon reservoir included with the system as well! VERY easy to set up and operate!
  17. tatz4ever

    Turkey Baster 2 - Crickets 0!!

    What is the name of the restaurant and where is it located? Please PM it to me also, so I don't miss it!
  18. tatz4ever

    All Too Familiar Pet Store Scene

    I would buy a 5 gallon bucket and enough sand for it. I would set it up for them and tell them I will be back to pick up the eggs. I would also tell them that I will be contacting corporate, and informing them that a little bit of substrate is more important to the company than the well-being of...
  19. tatz4ever

    East Coast Reptile Super Expo, Reading PA

    Is anyone going to the reptile expo tomorrow in Reading, PA? Meeting up with fellow chameleon lovers would be great. Please post hear if you plan to attend. I hope the weather is not too bad! James
  20. tatz4ever


    Awesome game! I play every night and even though it "feels" like I only played for 2-3 hours, in reality it is more like 6. I can't wait for my next "fix"!!!
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