Ok, so the minimum size for an adult chameleon would be 24" 24" 48" but because you are building yours I would make it a little larger because chameleons use all the space.😅😅 I have attached some care sheets for you😁
The best places to buy from would be the site sponsors
https://www.chameleonforums.com/sponsors/?tag=chameleons I would suggest starting with a male so you won’t have to deal with any potential issues with egg laying.
Hi and welcome to the forum! I’m not sure about what sounds they can hear but if this is your first chameleon I recommend checking out Neptune the Chameleon on YouTube and chameleonacademy.com. Where are you planning to purchase your chameleon?
Hi and welcome to the forum!
Chameleons do best in a 24” 24” 48” cage with lots of natural plants and branches. They need a T5 HO linear uvb bulb with a white heat bulb and need to be fed a variety of live insects. I agree with checking out Neptune the chameleon and chameleon academy. Fountains...
That is calcium with d3. there is another one by the same brand without d3 that is the one you need. You will also need a multivitamin with d3 to use twice a month. I use reptivite.
I agree with everything said by @yungzerk. Chameleons will often walk strangely while imitating a leaf blowing in the wind to avoid the attention of predators.