As ir0k said, it's only your first day :)
It's also hard to tell if you have enough foliage for her from text, so could you post some pictures? Chameleons without enough foliage to hide behind can also get stressed easily. If you could post pictures, we can let you know if you need more of...
I am going to say male.
In 3 of the pictures (3, 4 & 5 in the first post and 2 in the second) I can see a spurr. The bets one is the 3rd in the first post, but in the 2nd in the 2nd post you can see it too. I just observed Yuki walking and when she has her hind leg in that position too, where...
Reminds me of the second night Midori was with us...she still wasn't used to when the lights go out and got caught on a really large pothos leaf. I caught the poor girl hanging from one back leg, sleeping. I think the leaf was too big and she slid down. Needless to say I picked her up and moved...
I would ALMOST believe that, except she goes in to this position 30 minutes before! She gives me the oddest looks when I look at her and shake my head. She's just a bit odd! Doesn't look comfortable to me, but she seems to like it! :p
Yuki hates water. I have only ever once saw her acutally drink without me getting water on her, and that was when she was completely dehydrated when I first got her. Drank right out of my hand. But since then, she will only drink occasionally.
Ryuu on the other hand I caught drinking from...
So, I got Yuki a new viv recently as some of you may know. It seems that she now has a new favourite place to sleep! Let me tell you, it looks "really comfortable"! She's been sleeping like this for the past week, on the same branch, in the same position. It's not like she doesn't have enough...
Thank you! I worked really hard on getting the ecosystem just right. It works out really well! :p Substrate works well with these two because they are never near the bottom. The substrate itself is also big pieces of.. I'm not sure what. They're about 4x the size of them, so they won't be...
Midori just ate her first large flies! :D Finally off the fruit flies and on to her big girl food! :)
Also as requested a picture of their vivarium:
It's big enough, for now. Will need a new, bigger one for the both of them latest in the fall! Need to decide between glass again and...
I wouldn't be too worried about your cham not liking meal worms, they're usually only used as a treat and can cause problems with their exoskeleton. Silkies and Phoenix worms on the other hand, if you have the option to get them, it would be good to have your cham eat them! They're both a great...
One of the first days Marimo was happily eating from my hand. He did this for a couple of weeks and then.. nothing. He won't even eat from a cup the picky boy! I have to feed him loose things, which is why he rarely gets any crickets, they end up all over the house instead of in his tummy...
I moved Midori in with Marimo yesterday after Midori had been quarantined while waiting on her fecal results (everything was perfect!), so I figured I would post some pictures of the two. Everything is working wonderfully, the vivarium is big enough for them, although I will be getting a new one...
The roaches are fully grown dubias which are larger than your average adult cricket. I think 1 roach = 2 female adult brown crickets (males tend to be a tad smaller). Doesn't seem like a lot to me, and yet she has fat legs :D
This week she's had some flies to provide her with Vit. A for her...
All are edible :) Of the chameleons I have that will actually eat them, Yuki will eat them as Worms, Pupae and Beetles. Some chameleons won't eat the beetles, but they are fully fine and healthy to feed off :D Yuki's favourite has to be the pupae though, when she does get them. I don't buy...
I feel like I would be starving her if I gave her any less though! 3-4 roaches a week or some crickets and flies (not a whole lot). I just feel like I don't feed her at all :o
How much should I be feeding her a week? :)
Here's another picture I just took:
She's puffed up and full of air at me being in her domain to take the picture though! You can see her legs well at least.
If you're worried and can't/don#t know how to feel for eggs, I would take her to the vet for an x-ray. I just did that with Yuki, my own veiled, because she very often looked like yours is now.
Needless to say, she was not gravid.
Your chameleon, from the pictures, looks exactly how Yuki is...
I would really like to see that too. I was really uncertain when buying a new UVB bulb for Yuki's new vivarium. I opted for the 10.0 because of the mesh and how tall the vivarium is, but it's very confusing all the same. A stickied post with readings, suggestions, etc. would be amazing!