Yes Shan, save your dough. I will say however that one of the very young girls at work came to me so freaked out by this film that she wanted me to reassure her that it was just a story.
Sometimes it takes years of experience to tell the difference between acting and the real thing, and...
The opening credits have a thank you from Paramount Studios to the families of the main characters. This is done intentionally to set up the story to be believable as the film is presented as a home-made documentary. The final credits tell more about police findings, etc. Still a ploy to...
I'm not much help here, I can't tell which sex but I just wanted to comment about what a healthy little one he or she is. Lovely, really. I hope she's a girl too. More photos please! :) One of us should be able to sex him or her from a better shot. Thanks!
Thanks Chamgirl, I wish you were closer too, you'd be a great Iguana Mom. Our girl doesn't use her tail accept when she's bathing. She swims well because of that tail! My toy poodle has been around her a lot and she never bothers to whip. If she's bothered, she strolls away and goes to a...
Amazingly cool! Please keep posting pics as they mature. It's great to be able to see a success story from the beginning! Beautiful creatures and you seem to know a lot about them too. Good going.
We have a beautiful female iguana that needs a bigger space than we can provide. She's adorable, totally healthy and loves a good close cuddle. Problem is, she scares the other animals. (Chams) And our beardie wants to break out of his space to mate with her.) She needs space. We've had...
He's beautiful. I've heard lots of different theories on growth. One says natural sunlight, another states they grow quicker in UVB provided by tubes. He looks healthy to me. And he's loved. I think he's doing just fine at this growth rate. His size might just part of his genetic makeup at...
I don't think this is real. WC? or CB? No answer...
Most of the prompts I get in my junk mail is from Camaroon...all Cham related.
I vote scam.
If I'm wrong, I'll sell you my best Panther when it hatches for 1 dollar. Promise. :)
I do not believe forum rules are set in stone...we all try to do our best to serve our loved Chams...and some of us (including me) do things less orthodox, but I have to say you deserve Rep points for always giving a library of information. Rep points added. :)
Butterfly net
Open field
You're in Florida! You'll find loads of great food that are pesticide free if you just have a free hour to romp. Have fun. Your Cham will love the treats.
I'd try a bit of misting in this area, which you're probably already doing. It could be a little residue eliminated by the nose. It doesn't look like anything to be too concerned about. Just watch it for the next few days. Sometimes a little build-up occurs naturally. Moisture will help.
Thanks to all who had an interest but we sold the pair to a new local breeder
Cheers Phil and Deb
We have a pair of Ambanjas that are 1 year old, they are both from Kamerflage creations the male is from Glorifindel bloodlines and Im not sure what bloodlines the female is from but they...
Although I do not understand the imbalance, I do believe she is in need of much more water.
You can make her gape by gently placing your finger and thumb on either side of the hinge of her mouth while enclosing her body with the same hand. Once you have her in position, she can easily handle...
I feel for you and have the battle wounds to prove it. They all come around though, thank God! Hope you had fun inspite of the bite and trust you did! My newest addition bit me a couple days ago leaving a "V" on one of my fingers. Healed so quickly I can't remember which one now...but...