The more you clean it the less likely you are to have any bacteria issues. Chams dont "go" that often so It is not a necessity that it be cleaned daily. I usually clean mine every couple days.
I am not sure of the diagnoses but after seeing the pics it almost appears as if the skin is "dying". I found a link that may help explain.
Read this link over. You should get most of your questions answered. But as far as a dark color; yes that is, in most cases a sign of stress. But since he is new to the enclosure that can be normal. Best of luck!
I am selling my Yellow bodied red bar ambilobe chameleon. Sire was Peleliu from Steve at the jungle panther. Sire's sire is Son Tiger.
300.00 Cant ship now it is too cold. Willing to drive a bit to meet halfway. Perfect health almost a year old. Here is the Link to his album...
I will notice my male ambi doing this every once in awhile too. He seems healthy otherwise though. I would be interested in hearing from more experienced keepers though.
Well im from northwest ohio and i get all of my feeders from GLHW ( Great Lakes Horn worm) Rob takes care of me pretty well if i have any shipping issues. That being said Im only one day ground shipping anyways. If it happens to take more that 1 day i would say you better wait. Paying for the...
Good morning and Congrats on the Hatch-lings. Here are a few posts from Seeco. These are fantastic ideas IMO.