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  1. Chiichan

    I can't tell if my veiled cham is gravid.

    She's a beautiful girl. :) She wouldn't be gravid unless she's been mated with a male, but they still lay eggs regardless of being mated. Her eggs will just be infertile. Always have her laying bin available to her for when she is ready to lay her clutch, but at this time she doesn't look...
  2. Chiichan

    Not sure about his age? lil help

    Doubt that was from a previous shed, if anything its the start of his new shed. Many of us find that information from pestore employees aren't always correct. We never had the nose thing with our first male veiled, but I noticed our Loki has the same thing going on like yours. I read that its...
  3. Chiichan

    What does this mean?

    Females can be sexually mature as young as 6 months. I would recommend having a laying bin available for her. (not saying she is going to lay any time soon) As far as her behavior, they generally don't act aggressive or change colors when they are receptive. She either thought your glove on...
  4. Chiichan

    Lets see stress colors from everyone!!!

    Our little Loki. He's such a little booger. I'd post one of Zeke and Cami too but I don't have any of them stressed on my laptop right now. That and they're generally pretty calm overall. :D
  5. Chiichan

    Veiled Coloration/Pattern Meaning???

    No one??? :/
  6. Chiichan

    Veiled Coloration/Pattern Meaning???

    I noticed my female displaying this type of pattern lately when she basks under her lights. Not all the time though, just lately on occasions. I've seen the receptive female video that's posted, and she has displayed those colors along with the gaping mouth when she sees our male. Lately...
  7. Chiichan

    Soundly Sleeping Snuggly

    Love when they look all cuddled up with their tails curled. Loki is still sensitive to flashing lights, sorry little one. The other two will sleep through anything. Haha! Never in a million years did I ever think I'd own a Chameleon. Now I have 3 and 34 little eggies due in 4-8 months...
  8. Chiichan

    Little Brave found a new home.

    Good to hear an update! I hope all goes well with all of you! :)
  9. Chiichan

    First time actually measuring the kids

    Cami @20months is about 1/2in. shy from a solid 14in. She just finished a shed so she may just finish off that 14in! :D Zeke @ about 8months is almost 12in. Loki @ about 5months is 8in.
  10. Chiichan


    I believe a female can show receptiveness around 60-90 days after laying?? Incubation can take 6-12 months to hatch depending on temps and the eggs. The female will show receptive signs when and if she is ready. It is possible for her to retain sperm from the previous copulation as I've read...
  11. Chiichan

    Our Feisty Little Chocolate Mint

    Loki has usually been in the hiding for the past few days since his new enclosure change. Today I noticed he was out and about and tried to see if he'd tolerate any handling. NOPE! After a few head butts, hissing, and attempts to bite I finally got him out after he was finished being a...
  12. Chiichan

    Another decision made.

    I'm glad to see you've given in to your heart's calling. I'm sure Monty has quite the attachment to you as you do to him. You say he needs you... But deep down you need him too. You strengthen each other. You give him strength by caring for him and providing for his needs, and in return he...
  13. Chiichan

    Bathing Zeke

    thanks jann! I was getting worried, and I have been keeping a close eye on his tail for any discoloration. I just feel like 2wks is really long... I hope he finishes it soon :/
  14. Chiichan

    Egg pipped but no baby yet....

    omg nooo! :( i'm so sorry! Prayers for better outcomes on your other babies! <3 Hang in there mama
  15. Chiichan

    Bathing Zeke

    Overdue for a warm bath It has been 2wks since the rest of his body shed. His tail seems to be the problem area of shedding because this is the 2nd time he has shed where his tail doesn't finish. Nothing has drastically changed in his enclosure. The only difference is the changing of seasons...
  16. Chiichan

    new cham veiled wont eat

    Every chameleon is different, some need a little more time than others. Try offering worms as well to give him options. I used the same concept with the crix cup, but for the worms I use more of a small plastic water drainage tray used for small potted plants. I got them at a 99cent store...
  17. Chiichan

    she stopped eating

    Try filling out the "how to ask for help" form. It would probably help us narrow down and eliminate a lot of things. :)
  18. Chiichan

    new cham veiled wont eat

    I hotglued a piece of dowel rod in the center of my cup for the crix to walk up and down. Occassionally one might jump out onto the screen, but most stay inside the cup. By the time i get home they're all gone. I also noticed your cage is sitting on the floor??? Although your cage is bigger...
  19. Chiichan

    Help me with my Care Sheet!!!

    Hi everyone! So I am trying to provide as much information to the future owners of my baby vields (when they hatch and are ready to be released to others' care). The following information is what I have so far. If you can help narrow things down, add more wording or proper advice, or...
  20. Chiichan

    The Kids

    Thank you both! :) i love the front facing photos of chameleons, It gets their curious and innocent side of them.
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