He is a very pretty boy!!! Stunning colours. I love the second to last pic there. He has that "I mean business" face. Maybe that's when he saw your Ambilobe? :p
On feeders, some suggestions are hornworms, silkworms, cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets, butterworms (less often), morio/super worms (less often). It's a good idea to have variety and a balance of hard bodied/soft bodied feeders.
Feeding slightly less to a female is another way of reducing...
Hi there,
Jacksons are a chameleon I know very little about, so I'll refer you to some other threads found on this forum:
Our female veiled, about 8-10 months, didn't like the starter pack of 1/2" dubias we got her. Just waiting on some green banana roaches now :)
A little concerned now I know they are fast breeders :(
Thank you very much again, Dr O! I found that a very interesting read.
Do you know if any scientific trials have been undertaken using chameleons?
I'd be interested to know the opinions of anyone else who reads this link.