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  1. chameleongirl2


    yes i totally agree!!! you can find out things that no other place can answer, if you want to learn about everything there is to know about chameleons you are in the right place ;)
  2. chameleongirl2

    Drainage collection and removal.

    those are quite the set up, but what type of lamps are those!!!!!!!? its blinding my eyes!!!!!!!! does it even heat?????? any ways i just want to say change those lamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
  3. chameleongirl2

    red rudis mouth problem

    i would just take them both to the vet and get meds
  4. chameleongirl2

    Number of species kept?

    u keep one, even 2 will act aggressive together and could end up with injury or even death
  5. chameleongirl2

    1.1 Deremensis Buddy's

    those are very very very beautiful chams!!!1
  6. chameleongirl2

    when should my jackson shed?

    they shed when they are ready, why are you in a rush, kinda
  7. chameleongirl2

    Which butterflies are poisonous?

    no, i dis-agree, that is for frogs, butterflies are a whole different story, i only know that swallow tails are poisonous:cool: but I'm not sure about the others i could easily make a prediction but i know so many types i could not be 100% sure, so use the 100% predictions!!!! :rolleyes::o:o:o
  8. chameleongirl2

    who knows about carpet chameleon>?

    i am good in saying if it is male or female, but please get a closer shot to his head and near his tail (where he poops from :p) if you do that i will probably be able to predict male or female
  9. chameleongirl2

    Which Montane Can Handle Some Heat?

    i think miller would do you good
  10. chameleongirl2

    What a GREAT day!

    omg!!!! best looking cham ever!!!!!!!
  11. chameleongirl2

    mistking clogged ?

    well have you looked if there are clogs
  12. chameleongirl2

    Pre Jackson arrangements

    i keep the cage about 83 during the day and 76 during the night :)
  13. chameleongirl2

    Reptivite and calcium. How much?

    i use it on weekdays, or 2 chrickets every day
  14. chameleongirl2

    Titan and Rhea

  15. chameleongirl2


    well I'm stumped, :(, is her tounge way of or just a little?
  16. chameleongirl2

    Advice Please!

    ya the bulb is hurting my eyes, i think you should change it
  17. chameleongirl2


    ya well maybe some people just don't know, i think we should all make sure it is correct before posting it, some people don't even know, i am sure i have done it before with out knowing
  18. chameleongirl2

    Update after post of chameleon staying half black,

    well she looks better, hep you have a healthy recovery
  19. chameleongirl2

    first cage built wat u think??

    me neither i can't see the cage!!!! where is it?????
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