i tried looking this up because i swore i read about it before but i only found info for veileds. im trying to reduce the clutch size of one of my females, who recently layed 32 eggs and she isnt that large so the eggs were pretty small, idk if they will survive even if they hatch. also she will...
thank you much, i know he looks just like every other baby panther right now but hopfully he starts to get a look of his own soon. he has been puting on new colors everyday now.
just wanted to post an update on my little man. hatched myself, he is about 4 months old now and son of kinky a red body blue bar. im hopeing he will be turning out close to what his father looks like. father is in my gallery aswell. heres a link to thebabe...
buy a bunch of tarantulas and let them loose in your house. they dont make noise unless they are touching your ear while you sleep. im sorry if you dont think my answers are funny, im killing myself though. good luck.
yes please post pictures. I almost said he was turning pink because he is....... BUT I won't some may take offense. anyhow I would love to see a pink veiled please