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  1. StreetMoggy

    Geoffery eats a mantis

    Still an amazing shot! Very cool :)
  2. StreetMoggy

    Fennec Fox!

    I believe they require a room of their own, and cannot be left unattended if they are not in their own rooms. Probably high maintenance, but if your up for the task I say do it! They are just soooo cute!
  3. StreetMoggy

    You know your a cham addict when....

    hah best! When you overcome your nightmareish fears of larvae grubby maggoty bugs to make sure your lil'cham has the best friggin diet in town!
  4. StreetMoggy

    Can I use a moss substrate?

    I don't think the dirt from the moss would be an issue causing compaction, a sheet of that stuff should hold together pretty tightly. I would however, worry about the cham eating the actual green plant part of the moss, and as far as I've seen, there is no data weather moss is harmful or not. I...
  5. StreetMoggy

    Squirmy tail video!

    awww he has a piglet ringlet! Cute!!!
  6. StreetMoggy

    Disinfect for new chameleon

    Sorry to hear about your loss :( I either use water and Vinegar, or flukers organic cleaner, both work well, and wash away clean. If you do go with a cleaner, remember less is more, you don't want major suds going on, cause you want to make sure everything is washed away completely. Good luck...
  7. StreetMoggy

    New adoption/rescue Beardie advice appreciated

    I'm so happy to hear that this little beardie has found a loving home! They are hardy reptiles and can bounce back from a lot of mistreatment. It sounds like He will have a good life from here on in. Collards make my dragon's poop STINK lol and it's the bulk of his diet, also a well hydrated...
  8. StreetMoggy

    A Jasmine update

    great video! i love when they are covered in water droplets. She looks like a healthy girl!
  9. StreetMoggy

    I got chameleon bunnies

    lol omg so friggin cute!
  10. StreetMoggy

    Surgery Day Today

    So glad to hear she is ok! You must have a very talented vet.
  11. StreetMoggy

    i need help finding a herp vet in the tampa bay area

    I found mine by asking my local vets if they new of any.
  12. StreetMoggy

    just finished tank

    It took me a minute to understand, but wow! What an excellent modification! I have the same glass terrarium and never thought of adding onto it, very cool! I love the gnome too lol
  13. StreetMoggy

    Keeping a small ammount of crickets clean!

    Ok cool that sounds like a good idea
  14. StreetMoggy

    Speedy the veiled smiling for camera

    heh cute! good shot!
  15. StreetMoggy

    What in the world is this?!?

    wow thats so strange. Looks like it's going away though!
  16. StreetMoggy

    Keeping a small ammount of crickets clean!

    well it's been working for the past week. Although I didn't think of them actually eating the liner! I have lots of food in there for them, hopefully it will keep them occupied till I get something different. Thanks for the heads up
  17. StreetMoggy

    Keeping a small ammount of crickets clean!

    Hi guys, so recently I had a mold issue with my crickets. Personally I already think crickets are freaking nasty, but I keep them for my beardie and cham. I feed a variety to my reptiles, butter worms, horn worms, silkworms, and crickets, so under 100 crickets can last me a few weeks. I keep my...
  18. StreetMoggy

    A depressing, yet serious read about the future of reptiles

    I don't think it's that people don't care, but in general I think a lot of people are just constantly overwhelmed with life. There is: Daily life to plan, taking care of the kids, the house, work stress, the distant family issues,the disease of the month donation, the extra for big disaster...
  19. StreetMoggy

    Young veiled frightened of mealworms/wax worms?

    my little guy was afraid of worms at first too, he would turn on his angry colours, and try to get away from them, but eventually I did get him to take one from my hand, and now he will eat them out of his cup. Just stay persistent!
  20. StreetMoggy

    Area By Area (& country) Vet list

    Canada, Ontario good for folks living north of the GTA Campus Estates Animal Hospital 1460 Gordon Street South Guelph, Ontario N1L 1C8 519-837-1212 phone number
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