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  1. chowser

    bandito eating

    ya thats my other expensive hobby besides thanks everyone!
  2. chowser

    bandito eating

    thank you very much glad u enjoyed them
  3. chowser

    cham not eating out of feeder

    i dont know if it makes a difference that my cham is a panther, but i have tried every known cup feeding i have found and he never has eaten out of it. i have switched to silkworms and put them in the night before and by morning when the lights come on they migrate to the top of the plants for...
  4. chowser

    bandito eating

    chomping down on some treats.. he is doing very well. just hit the 6 month mark since i bought him he is doing very well
  5. chowser

    All white poop

    Small world indeed. Im in the coast guard so i wont be here for too long lol. I got him from Livingston lizard lounge. It was from an expo. Thanks for the info. What exactly is roughage and why do they need them. I plan on starting to give him more hard bodied food just wondering. Thanks.
  6. chowser

    All white poop

    Lol ummmm ya? Why? And it doesn't stink anymore then usual unless their poop doesn't smell at all.
  7. chowser

    All white poop

    This is it after I took it out. Thanks for the reply.
  8. chowser

    All white poop

    Hello everyone, Haven't posted in a while which is kind of a good thing seeing how bandits is doing excellent. I switched from crickets to silkworms as he's staple diet. Today he pooped and it looks like an all white sack almost. Just wondering what that means. Here's a pic before I...
  9. chowser

    Any advice or opinions?

    roger that. thats a no go. thanks guys
  10. chowser

    Any advice or opinions?

    Just a question I'm thinking about building up my cage to look more natural I have a glass screen mix and I'm thinking about adding a waterfall will the zoo med waterfall kit. What do you guys think about the hydro balls and the waterfall pump? I know waterfalls are a no go but would the hydro...
  11. chowser

    any opinions?

    thank you very much and yes i guess you could consider the waxworms a treat i got the silkworms into today he ate 4 of them but they werent to big i think i will free roam them and see how that works
  12. chowser

    any opinions?

    well he slowed down on his appetite about a week ago so i got some waxworms, i know they are far from the best to feed him but i was worried because he was only eating 1 to 2 a day he loved them for a little while then stopped those too and then went right into shed. so i ordered some silkworms...
  13. chowser

    any opinions?

    Panther not eating. I have a panther and he is about 10 months old. He was doing very well then stopped eating over the last week or so. He was constipated for a couple days then finally pooped he at about 10 large crickets in one day(usually eats four to five, then walks away ,is that normal?)...
  14. chowser

    dehydrated panther

    sorry didnt mean to be rude, i will put the dripper back on as well
  15. chowser

    dehydrated panther

    so the mistking isnt enough for dripping?
  16. chowser

    dehydrated panther

    ok thanks i will try that
  17. chowser

    dehydrated panther

    i have a 7 mouth old panther, he didn't poop for awhile then just did a big one today. but the head was really orange, i have a mistking that mists five times a day what can i do to make him hydrate? thanks chris
  18. chowser

    bron spot on panthers head

    Can it get infected or no?
  19. chowser

    bron spot on panthers head

    roger that i think i am just over reacting again thanks!
  20. chowser

    bron spot on panthers head

    hahaha thanks ya the camera didnt pick it up very well its just a brown spot on the middle line of his forehead right between his eyes
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